[Seeking] Business Partner (Web Developer)

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[Seeking] Business Partner (Web Developer)

Post by mholmes3038 »

Currently seeking a web developer to help startup a new company. I have a detailed business plan and web design built already. I'm a Vb developer my self but any web language would work as long as you can build games via web based and web pages. Please provide samples of your work. Below is a simple flowchart laying out my web design currently. Please PM me if your interested. I also have include samples of my work as a developer below as well.

Flow Chart:
http://i555.photobucket.com/albums/jj45 ... 8cb919.png

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Re: [Seeking] Business Partner (Web Developer)

Post by TheElk »


All I can say is love the plan, All I can do is give you advice good or bad.

Home of Battle of the Juggernauts & Killer Raceway....
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Re: [Seeking] Business Partner (Web Developer)

Post by mholmes3038 »

Thanks for the support, we just bought the domain today. Now we need a web dev to help build it and were good to go.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:26 am

Re: [Seeking] Business Partner (Web Developer)

Post by mholmes3038 »

Business plan:
The main idea is to build prototype software & games and sell them to indie companies and groups. We can build a audience as well and sell products to users. By using our forums, we can help build new indie groups to directly sell to and build a strong business relationship. We can also educate new members through tutorials to teach them the skills they need to succeed and learn the skills needed to join forum groups.

Our primary audience will be small indie groups and forum members. We can attack new members by marketing via social media and getting “Let’s Play” reviewers to test/demonstrate our software.

We will target ages 16 to 30 and focus most of our advertisement on popular gaming boards and face book. We can also use “Let’s Play” reviews to market our product as well and obtain free publicity. We can do this by offering them free copies of our software to review in exchange for a video demo/review. We will need to carefully target only successful “Let’s Play” reviewers and avoid unsuccessful reviewers to ensure we reach a larger audience.

We can also use revenue earned to advertise using Google Ad sense and other popular/cheap forms of marketing. Face Book is simply too expensive and does not offer good results. We can use Face Book to setup a business page but not for direct advertisement. We can also reach out to smaller website owners and popular forums to exchange services for free software and promotional offers for their forums.

Product Pricing:
Product pricing will be determined by current market demand + complexity of software mechanics. Most software should sale for around $50.00 (U.S.) or more. 2D Art pack pricing will be determined by artist or Jack or Rogier. These prices should be based on time spent building the packs and demand + popularity. Custom Art prices will be set by the artist and should be close to the quoted price given via quote tool.

Prototype Software:
All prototypes will include limited user license, source code, documentation, prototype art and 30 days of technical support via email. Prototypes will be a maximum of 5 levels unless contract based. Prototype software should not take no longer than 2 weeks to develop unless contract based. Concepts should be simple but entertaining. Concepts should be original or based on classic popular games from the 80’s to 90’s era. All prototypes will use modern art and clean modeling unless contract based. All prototype software must be properly commented in the source code and include any references needed for users.

All books written will be digital interactive books. They will relate to ether art techniques or programming games and techniques. Pricing will be based on size of book and demand. When writing a book, you must site all your sources and only use facts or industry standard theory. You must also back up your opinions with facts or proper logic.

We must be as productive as time permits but we also must take breaks regularly. If an employee or employer needs time off, please email everyone to ensure they are aware and take time off as needed. Please avoid taking long periods of time off during contract based projects or large projects. This will ensure we are able to fulfill our contracts & deadlines in a timely fashion. All employees and business partners must keep track of hours worked on a project and report that information to the project manager.

In the event an employee becomes a “problem”, any supervisor has the right to suspend that employee and must notify that employee’s supervisor immediately. At that point, the direct supervisor has the right to keep or dismiss that employee. All partners have the right to directly dismiss any employee, any time for any reason with needing to consult any supervisors.

All revenue earned must be reported and go through the proper legal process. The IRS will take out an estimated 7% or more per sale. This amount should be deducted before distributing profits among any partners or employees. If you have further questions about revenue, consult our account or a third party account for more legal advice pertaining to legal finance. This policy/guideline is subject to change.
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