What Made you?

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What Made you?

Post by SpiritWebb »

What made you get into the "field" with gaming? For example, what made you get into Modeling or programming. OR What made you get into doing two or more things...etc, and what language/program did you start with.

For me, since I started the topic, I guess I will answer.

I got into modeling cause I love animated movies, and I so bad want to make an animated movie (started with Anim8or). I got so frustrated, cause no matter how hard I tried, nothing worked. So I went to Blender 3D, and been learning it ever since. Then got the idea to make a space-based game and started searching online for tutorials on MMO's and found Halls tutorials on YouTube. (After reading that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE AN MMO with NO EXPERIENCE...I said whatever, it can be done). So here I am. Oh, I started learning programming in High School on Qbasic, moved to Pascal, then tried C/C++ (Borland), then to DarkBasic, then over to PHP.

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Re: What Made you?

Post by D3luxe »

SpiritWebb wrote:What made you get into the "field" with gaming? For example, what made you get into Modeling or programming. OR What made you get into doing two or more things...etc, and what language/program did you start with.

For me, since I started the topic, I guess I will answer.

I got into modeling cause I love animated movies, and I so bad want to make an animated movie (started with Anim8or). I got so frustrated, cause no matter how hard I tried, nothing worked. So I went to Blender 3D, and been learning it ever since. Then got the idea to make a space-based game and started searching online for tutorials on MMO's and found Halls tutorials on YouTube. (After reading that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE AN MMO with NO EXPERIENCE...I said whatever, it can be done). So here I am. Oh, I started learning programming in High School on Qbasic, moved to Pascal, then tried C/C++ (Borland), then to DarkBasic, then over to PHP.
I love playing video games, and I have as long as I can remember (countless hours playing Super Mario: Legend of the Seven Stars, hah). I wanted to be one of the people that actually brings a game like that to life. I find it extremely gratifying to actually make something like that, which is probably the same reason why I like working on engines and woodcrafting as well. Just getting down to it and having something work at the end is an amazing feeling, to me.

I started with programming. Mainly web programming at first (HTML, slowly got into PHP and CSS) and moved onto C++ from there. Since then, I've worked with C++, C#, Pascal, Python, Ruby, Java, Basic, and lately Actionscript. I realized that I wasn't really that much of a fan of coding though, as I found it boooooring.

Started getting into Photoshop and 2D art. Did a short stint on pixelart (which is kinda fun actually..relaxing, lol). Got into making 3D Buildings with 3D World Studio, which is pretty awesome, but is pretty limited to simple buildings. Got more into 3D the longer I worked with it, and have messed with tons of different modellers. Silo, Blender, Maya, Max, (limited) XSI, and probably a couple others I'm forgetting.
Adobe Photoshop CS4/Illustrator CS4
Adobe Flash CS4
3DS Max & Maya
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Re: What Made you?

Post by towcar »

I was a small time casual once a week gamer, then my Neighbour showed me runescape (My olders bros friend). It was after Runescape was out for a year or few. That was back I think eight years ago, and I got hooked and played it for a year. That Got me sucked into gaming and I played everygame we had and even new free online mmos non-stop. My parents were kinda worried :P

After gaming insainly I got the Halo 2 special Edition, I saw the video on game development and It seemed so cool the idea and how all that worked just facinated me, and then I just starting googling it and I found all the information I could dream of.

It seems like everytime I learn something new about computers, and software and programming. It opens new doors to things that I wanna know more about.

Thats my story

Now I play video games 1-2 times a month, since my xbox broke, the wii sucks, I've beaten most my nintendo games, sold Playstation games, and my sega is my most played system
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Re: What Made you?

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

for me it all started with Pen and Paper Dungeons and Dragons.

In middle school you had to be a part of a click to play Dungeons and Dragons. Yes its backwards I know. Me and my friends could not afford the books and were not apart of the click. So after playing D&D only once for about 10 minutes I sat down and wrote my own game. I gathered all my friends and we played this new game for a good 3 years. I kept adding to it. Eventually I moved and found D&D players and just brought my game's world over to D&D.

Throughout the years I moved to various places that never heard of D&D, so I would find some friends and tech them how to play. Int he past 21 years of playing I have GM'd 10 times more than I have actually played. Now that I do not have a gaming group I have found a new way to venue my ideas. Digital!
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Re: What Made you?

Post by Sakar »

I got into game development back in 5th grade. My dad bought me the Pro version of Game Maker and helped me get started with it. After that I moved on to Realm Crafter, where I encountered my first bit of code. I tried various Torque engines (TGE/A, TGB, etc.), but I could not figure out the scripting language or project structure (didn't make any sense and there was virtually no documentation). For a while I just messed with various other game making programs.

This year I found Unity shortly before the 2.5 release, and started using it. I also started doing actually programming with C++, C#, PHP, etc. and my dad helped me learn HTML and CSS. Now that Unity is free, and my modeling skills are getting better, I can start actually making those many game ideas floating in my head.
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Re: What Made you?

Post by neronix17 »

Well the first thing I remember doing that could have been the reason I make game/mods/websites etc and play games all the time is probably Lemmings. Thats right, Lemmings, the first game I ever played on a console was Lemmings on the PS1, I remember playing it for at least 3 months to complete it, that got me interested in games, the fact I didnt have to go outside to play them :lol: I then found 3D games like tomb raider (somethign anyone can make within a few weeks now hahah) and that got me thinking "Id love to make my own game", from then on Ive had a big-ass-book that Ive constantly added little storylines, characters, game mechanics ideas, drawings, etc. When I went into Secondary School (or high-school) I started learning HTML and Visual Basic, In my first year...which was wierd since the teachers there were only supposed to start getting you to learn that in 3rd year. I was so bored with the crap they tried to teach me in 1st year that they gave me a challange :lol: (or what they thought would be a challange)

They then chucked me into Flash MX 2004, learned all about how to use that, made a Super Mario style game (which I still have and am using in my college course). When I left school I went straight into college (at the age of 16) and went and did the NC Digital Media course, which I had to re-do the next year since I was thrown out for telling the tutor for web design to stick it where the sun dont shine, I swear he was only a week ahead of us on the course. Then I decided I wanted to go for an HND Interactive Multimedia course this year and have almost completed it.

Since I joined this forum only a few months ago I have learnt how to use PHP, Actionscript 3.0, MySQL databases, director, dreamweaver, fireworks, ZBrush, ArtRage, and more which I cant remember just now. So really everything I am now is because of Lemmings :lol: Hopefully I can learn how to use some 3D programs properly sometime in the future, but for now Im good with 2D stuff :)
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