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better coding standards

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:04 am
by Oroton
This is a code i have to get data from the database and turn it into javascript basically..

what it does is it gets a field from the database. relating to columns. It creates an array to get all the column data for that map.

Then for each column, it does another query to get all the info for each row in that column. Some row's have particular functions or multiple functions so it also queries whether that particular one has one or not.

Now this code works and produces the desired effect. but is there a better way to do it?
I feel doing one query first then doing a while loop and then a for loop inside might be better than doing a query then query the same table again. (i also know that SELECT * is slower but i'll optimise that later.)
Anyway here is the code

Code: Select all

$_chip = chippy;                                                                                  //db unique modifyer for table
                                                                                                  //End Global Variables

                                                                                                  //Begin Table Names
define('SCENEDATA', $_chip."_scenedata");                                                         //Begin Table Names
define('SCENEFUNCTION', $_chip."_scenefunction");                                                 //scenedata table name
                                                                                                  //End Table Name

$sceneid = '1';

   $sceneinfo="SELECT *
                 FROM " . SCENEDATA . "
                 WHERE scene_value ='$sceneid'
                 GROUP BY scene_column
                 ORDER BY scene_column ASC ";
                 $sceneinfo2=mysql_query($sceneinfo) or die("could not get map data!");   //could you get data?
                 $sceneNumCols = mysql_num_rows($sceneinfo2);
                 $scenecol_list = "";
                 $colcount = 1;
                 $colcount_num = 0;
                 while ($sceneinfo3=mysql_fetch_array($sceneinfo2))

                       $scenecol_num = $sceneinfo3['scene_column'];
                       if ($colcount_num == $scenecol_num)
                              if ($colcount == $sceneNumCols)
                              $colcomma = "<br>";                 // last row
                              } else
                              $colcomma = ",<br>";                // not last row

                       $scenedatainfo="SELECT d.*, f.*
                       FROM " . SCENEDATA . " d
                       LEFT JOIN " . SCENEFUNCTION . " f ON (d.scene_id = f.scenedata_id)
                       WHERE d.scene_value ='$sceneid'
                       AND   d.scene_column = '$scenecol_num'
                       ORDER BY d.scene_column ASC, d.scene_row ASC";
                       $scenedatainfo2=mysql_query($scenedatainfo) or die(mysql_error());   //could you get data?
                       $sceneNumRows = mysql_num_rows($scenedatainfo2);                                 //scene_value    The Scene that it is
                       $scenerow_list = "";
                       $rowcount = 1;
                       $rowcount_num = 0;
                       $scene_function = "";

                       //Begining of the Row lists.
                       while ($scenedatainfo3=mysql_fetch_array($scenedatainfo2))
                             $scene_idv = $scenedatainfo3['scene_id'];
                             $scene_row = $scenedatainfo3['scene_row'];
                             $scene_name = $scenedatainfo3['scene_name'];
                             $scene_fid = $scenedatainfo3['scene_function'];
                             $sceneunique_id = $scenedatainfo3['scene_id'];
                             $scenedatafunction_id = $scenedatainfo3['scenedata_id'];
                                     if ($scenedatafunction_id == $sceneunique_id)
                                      $scene_function = ",<br>". $scene_fid;
                                     elseif ($scenedatafunction_id != $sceneunique_id)
                                        $scene_function = "";
                                      if ($rowcount == $sceneNumRows)
                                      $rowcomma = "<br>";                 // last row
                                      $rowcomma = ",";                // not last row

                                 if (empty($scene_name))
                                   $scenemap_name = "' ' ";
                                   $scene_new_map = "";
                                   $scene_end_map = "";
                                 $scenemap_name = $scene_name;
                                     $scene_new_map =  " <b>new map</b> (";
                                     $scene_end_map = "<br>)";
                                }//2 //else scene name

                             $scenerow_list.= $scene_new_map . $scenemap_name.$scene_function .$scene_end_map. $rowcomma ."<br>";
                            }//end while row

                       // This is the return of the each Column.

                       $scenecol_list.= " [<i>//column " . $scenecol_num. "</i>  <BR>" .$scenerow_list. " ]". $colcomma;
                       }//end if first col

                  } //end colum WHILE

  print   "<html><br><b> var maps</b> = [<br>" . $scenecol_list. "<br>];<br><br>".$sceneNumCols ."/" .$colcount."</html>";

This is the result.

Code: Select all

var maps = [
[//column 0
new map (map0x0,
function() { if (game.plotSequence == 0) { eng.setMessage('Arrow keys to move, Spacebar to interact and close messages.'); game.plotSequence ++; } this.precip('rain', 35); }
new map (map0x1,
function() { this.precip('rain', 35); }
new map (map0x2,
function() { if (game.plotSequence == 1) { eng.setMessage('AHHHHH!!! What is that thing!? Help me!!!'); game.plotSequence ++; } this.precip('rain', 35); }
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
new map (map0x12

[//column 1
' ' ,
new map (map1x1
new map (map1x2
new map (map1x3


