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Strange url upon login

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:24 pm
by Epiales
For some reason, when you first login, you get this long url for some reason. It doesn't effect the game at all, and it doesn't show anymore once you start moving around and go back to u're profile page. It's normal then, and only does this on login.

Code: Select all
This is what it should be and what it is once you log in and then go back to the profile page. It shows it correctly like below:

Code: Select all
Do you need the login.php or the authenticate.php? Not sure which one....

Thanks... EPI

Re: Strange url upon login

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:09 pm
by Jackolantern
That is weird. It looks like something is adding a ton of spaces to pad your username in the URL string. But then I guess they are being stripped, which would explain the fact that it still accepts it. But %20 is the url encoding of a space.