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am i on the right track???(still not entirely fixed)

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:52 am
by dust1031
ok, so i started making a class shop well people can go in and buy all different classes, like ninja, pirate etc.

but im having problems, keep in mind this is the 1st time im making a shop by myself.
but heres what i got

basically i made a playerclass table in my DB, that shows what kind of classes people can buy. here are my fields

then i made another table and called it classbought that shows what classes people bought, here are my fields

then i made 2 new .php scripts

called 1 buyclass.php

Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";

$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");
include_once 'statpanel.php';
<div id="table">

$class = $playerinfo3['pclass'];
$level = $playerinfo3['level'];

if ($playerinfo3['gold'] < $iteminfo3['price'])
 echo "You do not have enough Gold for this purchase!";
  echo "<center><a href='index.php'>Go Back</center>";

if ($playerinfo3['level'] < $iteminfo3['level'])
 echo "You are not high enough level to use this item!";
  echo "<center><a href='index.php'>Go Back</center>";

$itembought = "INSERT into classbought(pid, name, price level, randid,attack, defense,')
VALUES ('$playerid','$name','$price','$level','$randid','$attack','$defense')";
mysql_query($itembought) or die("could not insert class into backpack");

$updateplayer="update players set gold=gold-'$iteminfo3[price]' where name='$player'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");

echo $name . " Purchased";
 echo "<center><a href='index.php'>Go Back</center>";
then made another .php,called classshop.php

Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";

$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

echo "<small>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $invinfo="SELECT * from playerclass where amount > 0";
      $invinfo2=mysql_query($invinfo) or die("could not select anything from the store.");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='white' bgcolor='#ffffff'>";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>________________</td><td>Level<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Attack<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Defense<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Price<font color='ffffff'>______</td></tr>";
      $counter = 1;
      print "<tr><td>$invinfo3[name]</td><td>$invinfo3[level]</td><td>$invinfo3[attack]</td><td>$invinfo3[defense]</td><td>$invinfo3[price]</td><td><A href='buyclass.php?randid=$invinfo3[randid]'>Buy Item</td></tr>";


      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";
      print "</center>";
      echo "</small>";

            echo "<center>There is nothing in the store at this time.<br>";
            echo "<a href='index.php?'>Go Back</center>";
  echo "<center><a href='index.php?'>Go Back</center>";
the shop loads fine but when i click buyclass it comes up serveral errors
( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: iteminfo3 in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 35
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: iteminfo3 in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 47
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: playerid in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: name in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: price in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: randid in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: attack in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0010 377624 {main}( ) ..\buyclass.php:0

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: defense in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\buyclass.php on line 59

how do i fix it, so i can buy classes, and also how can i make the attack and defense for the class, add to my current stats

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:04 am
by 62896dude
Luckily, though there are a lot of errors, they are very easy fixes, as they are all the same thing. Undefined variable means that you never told the script what that variable was. For example, it says Undefined Variable, iteminfo3. It says that because you never mentioned Iteminfo3 anywhere in your script, so it has no idea what it is, you have to go back and write in what each one's value is, and then all of those errors will go away

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:20 am
by dust1031
well that fixed the errors but now it says "Can not insert class into backpack"
how do i fix that

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:23 am
by 62896dude

Code: Select all

$itembought = "INSERT into classbought(pid, name, price level, randid,attack, defense,')
VALUES ('$playerid','$name','$price','$level','$randid','$attack','$defense')";
should be changed to:

Code: Select all

$itembought = "INSERT into classbought(pid, name, price, level, randid, attack, defense)
VALUES ('$playerid','$name','$price','$level','$randid','$attack','$defense')";

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:21 pm
by dust1031
thank you so much. it worked, just 1 more question, do u know how i can equip it in battle to add to my attack and defense. do i have to do some more coding or just equip it in backpack.

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:53 pm
by 62896dude
It depends, you may or may not have to do more coding; can I see your battle and attack scripts?

Re: am i on the right track???

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:12 pm
by dust1031

Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";
    $playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
    $playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

    $playerhp = $playerinfo3['hpoints'];
    $playerattack = $playerinfo3['attack'];
    $playerdefense = $playerinfo3['defense'];
    // Addition - this is getting the enemy hitpoints into memory from the DB
    $playerenemyhpoints = $playerinfo3['enemyhpoints'];
    $playerenemyid = $playerinfo3['enemyid'];

    // Replacement
    // this uses 0 to represent when no monster id is present
    // This wont work out if you have a monster with id 0
    // Replacing the following...
    //if (isset($_GET['creature']))
    //   $creature=$_GET['creature'];
    //   $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where name = '$creature'";
    if ($playerenemyid > 0)
    $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where id = '$playerenemyid'";
    $creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could not get the creature you were fighting!");
      $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures order by rand() limit 1";
    $creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could get a creature!");
    // Addition
    // this takes the newly chosen random creatures id & hitpoints and puts it into
    // the players 'enemyid' and 'enemyhpoints' integer records in the DB
    // this acts as a copy of the monster that the player fights against
    // so the original copy wont be changed or deleted
    $creatureid = $creatureinfo3['id'];
    $updateplayer="update players set enemyid='$creatureid' where name='$player' limit 1";
    mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player enemyhpoints");
    // now for the hitpoint
    $creaturehp = $creatureinfo3['hpoints'];
    $updateplayer="update players set enemyhpoints='$creaturehp' where name='$player' limit 1";
    mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player enemyhpoints");
    // The line below updates the integer so it shows properly when printed below
    $playerenemyhpoints = $creaturehp;

    $creature = $creatureinfo3['name'];
    $creaturehp = $creatureinfo3['hpoints'];
    $creatureattack = $creatureinfo3['attack'];
    $creaturedefense = $creatureinfo3['defense'];

    /////player info[code]
echo "<u> " . $playerinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
echo "Hit points = " . $playerhp . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $playerattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $playerdefense . "<br><br><br>";

///////creature info
echo "<u> " . $creatureinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
// Replacement
// replacing echo "Hit points = " . $creaturehp . "<br>";
// Since were using $playerenemeyhpoints to make it distinct from $creaturehp
echo "Hit points = " . $playerenemyhpoints . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $creatureattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $creaturedefense . "<br><br><br>";

// Replacement
// Because we don't need to pass on the creature name anymore
// echo "<a href='attack.php?creature=$creature'>Attack!";
echo "<a href='attack.php'>Attack!";


Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";

$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");
// Addition
// this grabs the enemies id from the player database
$playerenemyid = $playerinfo3['enemyid'];

// Replacement
// this looks at $playerenemyid instead of the command line
//if (isset($_GET['creature']))
//$creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where name = '$creature'";
if ($playerenemyid > 0)
$creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where id = '$playerenemyid'";
$creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could not get the creature you were fighting!");

  echo "<a href='battle.php'>No Creature selected. Go Back!";

$playerhp = $playerinfo3['hpoints'];
$playerattack = $playerinfo3['attack'];
$playerdefense = $playerinfo3['defense'];
// Addition
$playerenemyhpoints = $playerinfo3['enemyhpoints'];

$creature = $creatureinfo3['name'];
$creaturehp = $creatureinfo3['hpoints'];
$creatureattack = $creatureinfo3['attack'];
$creaturedefense = $creatureinfo3['defense'];

///////////////////////players turn////////////////////

echo "<u> " . $playerinfo3['name'] . "'s Attack</u><br>";
$playerattack = rand(1,20) + $playerattack;
$creaturedefense = rand(1,20) + $creaturedefense;

echo $playerinfo3['name'] . "'s Attack roll is " . $playerattack . "<br>";
echo $creature . "'s defense roll is " . $creaturedefense. "<br>";

if ($playerattack  > $creaturedefense)
  echo $playerinfo3['name'] . " hits! <br>";
  $playerdamage = rand(1,6);
  // Replacement
  //   $newcreaturehp = $creaturehp - $playerdamage;
  // Because we want to use the copy of the monsters hitpoints that is attached
  // to the players stats
  $newcreaturehp = $playerenemyhpoints - $playerdamage;
  echo "For " . $playerdamage . " points of damage. <br>";
   if ($newcreaturehp < 1)
     echo "The " . $creature . " has been killed";

   // Removal
   // This is exactly one of the things this mod is about - ceasing to delete
   // monsters from the database. Though perma killing monsters is pretty cool!
   //     $updatecreature="DELETE from creatures where name='$creature' limit 1";
   //mysql_query($updatecreature) or die("Could not update creature");
   $updatecreature="update players set enemyid='0' where name='$player' limit 1";
   mysql_query($updatecreature) or die("Could not update creature");

      echo "<a href='battle.php'>Go Back";
  // Replacement
  // This replaces changing the monsters hitpoints in the database and instead
  // just changes the copy attached to player data
  //$updatecreature="update creatures set hpoints='$newcreaturehp' where name='$creature' limit 1";
  //mysql_query($updatecreature) or die("Could not update creature");
  $updateplayer="update players set enemyhpoints='$newcreaturehp' where name='$player' limit 1";
   mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update playerenemyhp");
   echo $playerinfo3['name'] . " misses!<br>";

//////////////////////creatures turn //////////////////

echo "<u> " . $creature . "'s Attack</u><br>";
$creatureattack = rand(1,20) + $creatureattack;
$playerdefense = rand(1,20) + $playerdefense;

echo $creature . "'s Attack roll is " . $creatureattack . "<br>";
echo $playerinfo3['name'] . "'s defense roll is " . $playerdefense . "<br>";

if ($creatureattack  > $playerdefense)
  echo $creature . " hits! <br>";
  $creaturedamage = rand(1,6);
   $newplayerhp = $playerhp - $creaturedamage;
   echo "For " . $creaturedamage . " points of damage. <br>";
   if ($newplayerhp < 1)
     echo $playerinfo3['name'] . " has been killed<br>";
      echo "<a href='gameover.php'><br>Continue";
  $updateplayer="update players set hpoints='$newplayerhp' where name='$player'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");
  echo $creature . " misses!";
  echo "<br><br><a href='battle.php'>Go Back";
// Replacement
// Because were not using the command line to pass on creature id anymore
// echo "<br><br><a href='battle.php?creature=$creature'>Battle Again!";
echo "<br><br><a href='battle.php><br>Battle Again!";

and here is my equipment.php, and equipped.php, because when i buy the class it says "purchased" but when i go to equipment its not there


Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";
$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");
<div id="table">
   print "<center><h3>Weapons</h3></center>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $selectbackpack="SELECT * from playerweapons where pid='$id'";
      $selectbackpack2=mysql_query($selectbackpack) or die("could not select backpack");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='black' bgcolor='#ffffff' >";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>_________________</td><td>Rating<font color='ffffff'>___</td><td>Level<font color='ffffff'>_</td><td>Status<font color='ffffff'>_____</td></tr>";
       if ($selectbackpack3['equip'] == 1)
	   {$selectbackpack3['equip'] = "Equipped";}
	   else {$selectbackpack3['equip'] = "<A href='equipped.php?randid=$selectbackpack3[randid]&type=w&local=0'>Equip";} 
	    $randid = $selectbackpack3['randid'];  
	   print "<tr><td>$selectbackpack3[name]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[rating]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[level]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[equip]</td></tr>";
      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";    
      print "</center>";

	  print "<center><h3>Armor</h3></center>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $selectarmor="SELECT * from playerarmor where pid='$id'";
      $selectarmor2=mysql_query($selectarmor) or die("could not select armor");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='black' bgcolor='#ffffff' >";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>_________________</td><td>Rating<font color='ffffff'>___</td><td>Level<font color='ffffff'>_</td><td>Location<font color='ffffff'>_</td><td>Status<font color='ffffff'>_____</td></tr>";
       if ($selectarmor3['equip'] == 1)
	   {$selectarmor3['equip'] = "Equipped";}
	   else {$selectarmor3['equip'] = "<A href='equipped.php?randid=$selectarmor3[randid]&type=a&local=$selectarmor3[location]'>Equip";} 
	    $randid = $selectarmor3['randid'];  
	   print "<tr><td>$selectarmor3[name]</td><td>$selectarmor3[rating]</td><td>$selectarmor3[level]</td><td>$selectarmor3[location]</td><td>$selectarmor3[equip]</td></tr>";
      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";    
      print "</center>";
       print "<center><h3>Class</h3></center>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $selectbackpack="SELECT * from classbought where pid='$id'";
      $selectbackpack2=mysql_query($selectbackpack) or die("could not select backpack");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='black' bgcolor='#ffffff' >";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>_________________</td><td>Rating<font color='ffffff'>___</td><td>Level<font color='ffffff'>_</td><td>Status<font color='ffffff'>_____</td></tr>";
       if ($selectbackpack3['equip'] == 1)
	   {$selectbackpack3['equip'] = "Equipped";}
	   else {$selectbackpack3['equip'] = "<A href='equipped.php?randid=$selectbackpack3[randid]&type=w&local=0'>Equip";} 
	    $randid = $selectbackpack3['randid'];  
	   print "<tr><td>$selectbackpack3[name]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[rating]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[level]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[equip]</td></tr>";
      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";    
      print "</center>";

   print "<center><h3>Backpack</h3></center>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $selectbackpack="SELECT * from inventory where id='$id'";
      $selectbackpack2=mysql_query($selectbackpack) or die("could not select backpack");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='black' bgcolor='#ffffff' >";
      print "<tr><td>Name                   </td><td>Stat </td><td>Stat Add </td><td>Type  </td></tr>";
       print "<tr><td>$selectbackpack3[name]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[stats]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[statadd]</td><td>$selectbackpack3[type]</td></tr>";
      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";    
      print "</center>";
 echo "<center><br><A href='index.php'>Go Back</a>";


Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';
     <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";
$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");
include_once 'statpanel.php';
<div id="table">

      if ($type=="w")
$updateequip="Update playerweapons SET equip=0 WHERE pid='$id' AND equip=1";
mysql_query($updateequip) or die("Could not update equipment");
$reequip="Update playerweapons set equip=1 where pid='$id' AND randid='$randid'";
mysql_query($reequip) or die("Could not update equipment2");

echo "<center><big><big>Weapon Equipped<br></big></big>";
echo "<br><A href='equipment.php'>Go back</a>";

   if ($type=="a")
$updateequip="Update playerarmor SET equip=0 WHERE pid='$id' AND equip=1";
mysql_query($updateequip) or die("Could not update armor");
$reequip="Update playerarmor set equip=1 where pid='$id' AND randid='$randid'";
mysql_query($reequip) or die("Could not update armor2");

echo "<center><big><big>Armor Equipped<br></big></big>";

   if ($type=="c")
$updateequip="Update classbought SET equip=0 WHERE pid='$id' AND equip=1";
mysql_query($updateequip) or die("Could not update armor");
$reequip="Update classbought set equip=1 where pid='$id' AND randid='$randid'";
mysql_query($reequip) or die("Could not update class");

echo "<center><big><big>Class Equipped<br></big></big>";
echo "<br><A href='index.php'>Go back</a>";

sorry if im asking too many questions, like i said im new to this.