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Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:56 pm
by Baseball435
hey everyone, well i decided to screw around with visual basic for a little while and out popped this program and i thought i would share it. This was made mostly for a different website, called HackLegends which explains the splash screen and stuff. But practially, you type in a url into the textbox and it will give you the source code from that site. Then it will save it automatically if you choose to in both html format and .txt. So here are some screenshots:


Main Form:

Source Code Form:

Showing it Saved:

Showing the Folder:

So that is practically my program, if you could give me some feedback that would be great!
Here is the download:
Website Capture

Virus Total Scan: ... 1307652318


Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:30 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
hate it in everyway. I hope it overheats your PC.

Try being creative instead of so destructive.

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:35 pm
by Baseball435

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:44 pm
by Xaleph
Whats the purpose of it? What does it do? What good will it do to us?

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:04 am
by Jackolantern
Yeah, that is some crap if you are actually using it to spoof websites. From what I have seen we are mostly a non-hacking (or gray hat at the worst) community.

EDIT: And what can this do that can't be done with a browser? If it can do batch processing and can crawl an entire site and download the whole thing with nothing more than a URL, then this has many more legit uses than illegit, mostly in the archiving and backing-up or websites that seem to go down often (wish someone had made a solid back-up of the Prairie Games forums, for example).

Don't advertise it as a tool for spoofing websites. All it will really do is let some curious youngsters do something all-to-trackable and get their parents in big trouble.

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:45 am
by Baseball435
i didnt mean for it to be used that way, a moderator on another forum (the one i made it for) edited that in and i just copied and pasted it without noticing it. I really didn't mean for it to happen and didnt mean for it to be used that way.


Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:58 am
by hallsofvallhalla
I stand by my original comment. Be constructive. Not destructive. because of garbage places like hack legends we as developers have to work twice as hard to build our games and have to remove features because they might be exploitable. It is time to grow up and realize the time of hackers is long gone. I remember the days where hacking was fun and useful, those days ended sometime around the movie War Games. (1983)

This application serves no purpose in my book other than to exploit web sites. I love your enthusiasm to learn and to build and I think you should crapcan those stupid sites and start learning ways to help developers beat hacker wannabes.

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:01 am
by Baseball435
War games was a good movie. And yeah I was just trying out what I could do. I found a tutorial on YouTube that showed how to fetch data from websites and I was interested in it and thought to myself, I could probably make a "view source" application with the option to save it organized. So I tried it and made it. It was really just a tutorial I was following with some things taken out.

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:18 pm
by Noctrine
hallsofvallhalla wrote:I stand by my original comment. Be constructive. Not destructive. because of garbage places like hack legends we as developers have to work twice as hard to build our games and have to remove features because they might be exploitable. It is time to grow up and realize the time of hackers is long gone. I remember the days where hacking was fun and useful, those days ended sometime around the movie War Games. (1983)

This application serves no purpose in my book other than to exploit web sites. I love your enthusiasm to learn and to build and I think you should crapcan those stupid sites and start learning ways to help developers beat hacker wannabes.
Hacking is still fun and useful, don't let the media force you into merging hacking and cracking.

I don't see how this application is any more exploitative than the view source option in a browser. Honestly, Tools like firebug and Google Chrome's Inspector could be used in a more exploitative fashion than this.

That said, I don't really see how this application is useful either.

Re: Website Capture - Made By Me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:51 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
It is not the media that forces me to believe hacking is anything more than exploiting which = cracking. It is all destructive regardless but no point in arguing. In 95-97 I thought I wanted to be a hacker but soon realized the damage I was doing and the people I were affecting. I see the fun in harmless "hacking" but setting up fake websites to gain peoples passwords is just wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I think you building it is great and I am sure you learned from it and are a better coder from it. That is great. I just don't like exploit side of it.