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DIY custom file uplaod!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:50 pm
by Torniquet
File selector, the hardest thing to make look pretty when it comes to designing your website.

I know there are several ajax, flash etc up-load interfaces free out on the internet. But where is the fun in using someone else's hard work? There is no sense of achievement and can sometimes be a pain in the ass to customize to fit your site.

So using some CSS trickery and jquery, I will try to show you how you can build your own custom file selection interface, which you can customize to fit YOUR site.

So lets rock and roll.

Firstly, lets see what a standard file selectors look like...
(image taken from

EWWW cover your eyes kids!! that is NOT pretty!!

ok image is outdated, but the point still remains. It is not pretty, and really does not fit into ANY website.

so, how do we improve this?

We will be using 4 elements. the first is a containment div, which will hold 2 more elements. These will be a file selection input type, and another div which we will style to be our button. The 4th will be a div that we will populate with the text that you will usually see in the file input field.

So the first step will be putting down the code to layout the elements on the page.

Code: Select all

<div id="upload_container">
    <input type="file" name="name" />
    <div class="upload_button">Select File</div>

<div id="upload_text"></div>
So, we have our layout. We now need to style this so that our new button is hiding under the file selection box. Aswell as that we need to shrink the size of the input so that we dont have an over sized button.

So to the CSS.

Our first element, the container, is a simple 3 lines. This will be the size of the button and we want to give it a containing position.

Code: Select all

    width: 90px;
    height: 25px;
    position: relative;
The sizes I have stated there are aprox the size of the input's button. It will leave a small border round it, but they are round numbers and work nicely.

Now, we want to work on the button itself. Getting it to fit is a short amount of styling.

Code: Select all

#upload_container .upload_button
    height: 25px;
    width: 90px;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
So again, we have told the button what size it needs to be and this time we have given its position an absolute positioning. This is to allow the button and the input to stack nicely and work how we need it to.

So currently, we have the container and the button set out. Now this is where the CSS trickery comes in. When we style our input box, we want to make the input box invisible, but still work. Now we cant do this with the visibility property and setting it to hidden. That just dont work and nor will setting the display property to none.

So how do we do this? we use the opacity property.

Code: Select all

#upload_container input[type="file"]
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 2;
    opacity: 0;
    cursor: pointer;
Like the others, we have set the width to 90px. This will shrink the input field down so it is just showing the button. Once again, setting the position to absolute and z-index of 2, we have made the input field sit nicely on top of our makeshift button. The cursor is so that when you roll over it, it looks right lol.

as far as CSS goes. Thats it. you can style your button how you want, and give the upload_text div a bit of styling as well if you so wish. But neither change the function of the setup.

Right. Now onto the very small piece of jQuery that will display the name of the file we want to upload.

What we need to do, is grab the content of the input box and place it into the div. And this is how we do it.

Code: Select all

        var leafname= $(this).val().split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();
What we have here, is when the content of the input box changes, the content is taken by using '$(this).val()' and chopping the file name up so that it removes all the irrelivant stuff displayed (the files path name c://fakepath/images/me and my dog buster/2011/june/) and will leave you with the files absolute file name... at the park 1.jpg

Thats all you need. you will go from the above... to this.


Have fun :) x

Re: DIY custom file uplaod!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:49 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
very nice!

Re: DIY custom file uplaod!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:28 am
by Jackolantern
Agreed. Very nice!

As a side note, and maybe it is just me, but the default Safari file uploader I think looks the best out of all of the default UI elements. Naturally, the styled element looks much better than all of the default ones, but the usage of the text box just does not make much sense in the other browsers. If you want to type something in, you can do it after you hit the button and the file system comes up lol.

Again, very good job, and I hear this is something that gives people a lot of trouble all over the net. Styling form elements in any way can be touchy and difficult to get right :)