Browser MMO Video #7

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Re: Video#7

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

the problem is in your battle code. need to see battle.php
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Re: Video#7

Post by dust1031 »

Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";
$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

$playerhp = $playerinfo3['hpoints'];
$playerattack = $playerinfo3['attack'];
$playerdefense = $playerinfo3['defense'];

////////////////new for video 7///////////////
if (isset($_GET['randid']))
   $iteminfo="SELECT * from inventory where randid='$randid'";
$iteminfo2=mysql_query($iteminfo) or die("could not get item stats!");

if (!$iteminfo3['name'])

$name = $iteminfo3['name'];
$stats = $iteminfo3['stats'];
$statadd = $iteminfo3['statadd'];
$type = $iteminfo3['type'];

if ($type == "healing")
   $newhp = $statadd + $playerhp;
   if ($newhp > $playerinfo3['maxhp'])
    $newhp = $playerinfo3['maxhp'];
    $updateplayer="update players set hpoints='$newhp' where name='$player'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");

    $updateitem="DELETE from inventory where name='$name' AND randid='$randid' limit 1";
  mysql_query($updateitem) or die("Could not delete item");
   $playerhp = $newhp;
  echo "Used " . $name . " and recovered " . $statadd . ".<br>";


if (isset($_GET['creature']))
   $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where name = '$creature'";
$creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could not get the creature you were fighting!");

  $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures order by rand() limit 1";
$creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could get a creature!");

$creature = $creatureinfo3['name'];
$creaturehp = $creatureinfo3['hpoints'];
$creatureattack = $creatureinfo3['attack'];
$creaturedefense = $creatureinfo3['defense'];

/////player info
echo "<u> " . $playerinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
echo "Hit points = " . $playerhp . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $playerattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $playerdefense . "<br><br><br>";

///////creature info
echo "<u> " . $creatureinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
echo "Hit points = " . $creaturehp . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $creatureattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $creaturedefense . "<br><br><br>";

echo "<a href='attack.php?creature=$creature'>Attack!";

///////////////////new for tutorial 7/////////////////////
echo "<br><a href='useitem.php?creature=$creature'>Use Item";
echo "<br><a href='usemagic.php?creature=$creature'>Use Magic";
echo "<br><a href='index.php?creature=$creature'>Exit Arena";


and 1 more question what does this mean
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\tutorial\attack.php on line 239

this is what line 238-239 says
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Re: Video#7

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

you are missing a }..thats what unexpected end means

the battle is most likely no item inventory. Buy the item, check it in your inventory table, try to use it in battle, make sure the randid in the url matches the DB entry.
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Re: Video#7

Post by anditop »

Ty for the videos, they are so good, and not slow and annoying.
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Re: Video#7

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

haha your welcome.
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Re: Video#7

Post by countvoldermort »

right every thing else is fixed, now for the shop and useitem etc, i dose not work at all!!! Im at video 10. First of all, on the Database when i add a item to the store do i type in random numbers for the randid or do i leave it as 0? Thats the first question, secondly when i buy it it doset get removed from the store(database) and thirdly when i go to use it it doset get removed from the store(database) and it doset add health, whats wrong!! Here are the scripts:


Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";


$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

$playerid = $playerinfo3['id'];

$iteminfo="SELECT * from store where randid='$randid'";
$iteminfo2=mysql_query($iteminfo) or die("could not get item stats!");

if ($playerinfo3['gold'] < $iteminfo3['price'])
  echo "You dont have enough Gold for this Purchase!";
   echo "<center><a href='index.php'>Go Back</a></center>";

$name = $iteminfo3['name'];
$stats = $iteminfo3['stats'];
$statadd = $iteminfo3['statadd'];
$type = $iteminfo3['type'];
$randid2 = rand(1000,999999999);

$itembought = "INSERT into inventory(id, name, stats, statadd, randid,type) VALUES ('$playerid','$name','$stats','$statadd','$randid2','$type')";
mysql_query($itembought) or die("could not insert item into backpack");

$updateplayer="update players set gold=gold-'$iteminfo3[price]' where name='$player'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");

echo $name . " Purchased";
echo "<center><a href='index.php'>Go Back</center>";
  ////did not make a - counter for item////



Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";

$counter = 0;

$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

echo "<small>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $invinfo="SELECT * from store where amount > 0";
      $invinfo2=mysql_query($invinfo) or die("could not select anything from the store.");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='white' bgcolor='#ffffff'>";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>________________</td><td>Stat<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Stat Add<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Type<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Price<font color='ffffff'>______</td></tr>";
      $counter = 1;
      print "<tr><td>$invinfo3[name]</td><td>$invinfo3[stats]</td><td>$invinfo3[statadd]</td><td>$invinfo3[type]</td><td>$invinfo3[price]</td><td><A href='buyitem.php?randid=$invinfo3[randid]'>Buy Item</td></tr>";


      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";
      print "</center>";
      echo "</small>";

      if ($counter == 0)
            echo "<center>There is nothing in the store at this time.<br>";
            echo "<a href='index.php'>Go Back</center>";
  echo "<center><a href='index.php'>NeverMind</a></center>";

   <div id="gold">
echo "<b><big><u>Gold</u></big></b><br>";
echo $playerinfo3['gold'];

Code: Select all


include_once 'connect.php';

if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";


$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

$playerid = $playerinfo3['id'];

$counter = 0;
echo "<small>";
      print "<center>";
      print "<table border='0' width='70%' cellspacing='20'>";
      print "<tr><td width='25%' valign='top'>";
      print "</td>";
      print "<td valign='top' width='75%'>";
      $invinfo="SELECT * from inventory where id='$playerid'";
      $invinfo2=mysql_query($invinfo) or die("could not select player inventory");
      print "<table border='1' bordercolor='white' bgcolor='#ffffff'>";
      print "<tr><td>Name<font color='ffffff'>________________</font></td><td>Stat<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Stat Add<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td>Type<font color='ffffff'>______</td><td><font color='ffffff'>________________</td></tr>";
      print "<tr><td>$invinfo3[name]</td><td>$invinfo3[stats]</td><td>$invinfo3[statadd]</td><td>$invinfo3[type]</td><td><A href='battle.php?randid=$invinfo3[randid]&creature=$creature'>Use Item</td></tr>";
       $counter = 1;


      print "</table>";
      print "</td></tr></table>";
      print "</center>";
      echo "</small>";

      if ($counter == 0)
            echo "<center>You have Nothing in your inventory!<br>";
            echo "<a href='battle.php?creature=$creature'>Go Back</center>";

    echo "<center><a href='battle.php?creature=$creature'>NeverMind</center>";


Halls please reply if you cant dont worry, if you need any other scripts let me know, i should be on MUST of the rest of today, Reply ASAP :) ;)
Im dumb;)
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Re: Video#7

Post by Ark »

I think that the problem is in your battle.php script.

Can you please show it?
Orgullo Catracho
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Re: Video#7

Post by countvoldermort »

Here it is:

Code: Select all

include_once 'connect.php';

include_once 'logo.php';
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div id="login2" div align="center">


if (isset($_SESSION['player']))
  echo "Not Logged in <br><br> <A href='login.php'>Login</a>";
$playerinfo="SELECT * from players where name='$player'";
$playerinfo2=mysql_query($playerinfo) or die("could not get player stats!");

include_once 'statpanel.php';

$name = $playerinfo3['name'];
$playerhp = $playerinfo3['hpoints'];
$playerattack = $playerinfo3['attack'];
$playerdefense = $playerinfo3['defense'];

<div id="table">

if (isset($_GET['randid']))
   $iteminfo="SELECT * from inventory where randid='$randid'";
$iteminfo2=mysql_query($iteminfo) or die("could not get item stats!");

if (!$iteminfo3['name'])

$name = $iteminfo3['name'];
$stats = $iteminfo3['stats'];
$statadd = $iteminfo3['statadd'];
$type = $iteminfo3['type'];

if ($type == "healing")
   $newhp = $statadd + $playerhp;
   if ($newhp > $playerinfo3['maxhp'])
    $newhp = $playerinfo3['maxhp'];
    $updateplayer="update players set hpoints='$newhp' where name='$player'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");

    $updateitem="DELETE from inventory where name='$name' AND randid='$randid' limit 1";
  mysql_query($updateitem) or die("Could not delete item");

   $playerhp = $newhp;

  echo "Used " . $name . " and recovered " . $statadd . ".<br>";


$creature = $playerinfo3['creature'];
 if ($creature != 0)
   $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures where id='$creature'";
$creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could not get the creature you were fighting!");

  $creatureinfo="SELECT * from creatures order by rand() limit 1";
$creatureinfo2=mysql_query($creatureinfo) or die("could get a creature!");
$cid = $creatureinfo3['id'];
$updateplayer="update players set creature='$cid' where name='$name'";
  mysql_query($updateplayer) or die("Could not update player");

$creature = $creatureinfo3['name'];
$creaturehp = $creatureinfo3['hpoints'];
$creatureattack = $creatureinfo3['attack'];
$creaturedefense = $creatureinfo3['defense'];

<div id="player">
/////player info
echo "<u> " . $playerinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
echo "Hit points = " . $playerhp . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $playerattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $playerdefense . "<br><br><br>";
<div id="creature">
///////creature info
echo "<u> " . $creatureinfo3['name'] . "</u><br>";
echo "Hit points = " . $creaturehp . "<br>";
echo "Attack = " . $creatureattack . "<br>";
echo "Defense = " . $creaturedefense . "<br><br><br>";

echo "<a href='attack.php?creature=$creature'>Attack!";

echo "<br><a href='useitem.php?creature=$creature'>Use Item";
echo "<br><a href='index.php'>Exit Arena";


<div id="logout">
echo "<br><a href='logout.php'><img src='images/logout.gif'>";

Im dumb;)
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Re: Video#7

Post by Ark »

Well, for your first question the randid(random id) yes it's supposed to be a random number. for the second, well it's supposed not to be deleted on the store; it's supposed to delete it in the inventory. The script is just fine, it have worked for me and others... I think that the problem is in your database and db structure..

You have the option to import the .sql in the database. download it here
Orgullo Catracho
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Re: Video#7

Post by Justeenoster »

Yeah, you enter the RANDID yourself. Totally random, made by yourself.
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