Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight

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Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight

Post by neronix17 »

Right, another rant from me. I just pre-ordered the new C&C game thinking "ooh brilliant" ( Ive loved any game where you can build a base then build troops from before and especially C&C3 ) noticing the "Pre-Order now and get access to the Closed Beta NOW!" I go and register me pre-order key, all success etc, then I go to to recieve the Beta... "YOU ARE NOT AUTHORISED TO BE HERE!!!" written on the screen... so I think its just thta I tried to quickly, after an hour I jump onto the forums to see if its a big problem or if theres just something wrong with a few people having trouble... 83 pages of posts about people having similar problem to me... "f***".

I go into Live Chat with an EA support retard and spend 10 minutes trying to explain that its not that I hadnt recieved my email with the code like most people but its that I cant access that page, I eventually gave up and PM'd a staff member on the forums explaining my situation and have yet to hear back (I kno hes online and that he probable has alot of PMs to answer so Im willing to wait a while before saying hes a c***).

I then proceed to read through the other posts about the game itself and see that not only has the only good bit about C&C been REMOVED (the base building) but the alien race from C&C3 is now non-playable and that troops will now be dropped in from space, more realistic? Feck off...

Is it just me or is anyone else having the same old sh** support from EA and regretting pre-ordering the game? Only did it for the Beta, couldnt give a smeg about the soundtrack or bonus mission I wont see till the game is released March 15th 2010!
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Re: Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight

Post by Jesusfreak »

The C&C series has pretty much been crap ever since EA Games bought out Westwood. EA Games destroys just about everything they touch (Spore comes to mind).

C&C Generals was pretty lame, and from what I've heard, Tiberium Wars or whatever it was that came after it was pretty crappy too. I dunno about Red Alert 3, but I haven't heard anything particularly good about it.

I just avoid any game that has EA Games anywhere on it.
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Re: Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight

Post by neronix17 »

In that case u might as well avoid half the games out nowadays lol EA is assosiated with so many games I cant even count em. I agree that spore was rubbish with EA but to be honest it didnt look that great in the first place. Any sports game and you think of EA and to be honest sports games are the most pointless thing on the planet other than EA themselves. But look at any company that works on more than one game at a time and you have the same problem, NCSoft for example, they have several games and are all MMO's, this spreads out their support staff far too much, in fact EU servers for Aion doesnt have ANY tech support staff on the forums! Alternatively companies like Bethesda and Lionhead, one big project at a time, I still to this day play the original Fable, Fable 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3. I realise that they are all very similar games, open worlds and stuff, but open world games like Crackdown, Mass Effect (more like Mass Error, more repetitive than Tetris) I stopped playing very quickly after completing them. Anyway Im drifting off topic, point is that EA sucks vagina and shouldnt have changed the core mechanics of the only game with base building that I enjoyed! :evil:
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