A web RTS in .NET 5

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A web RTS in .NET 5

Post by a_bertrand »

While we was discussing some stuff on the discord channel, some members seemed interested to get access to the sources of a project of mine which is basically a simple RTS running inside a browser.

I decided to extract the main code and to make it accessible to all:

The code is complete in the sense you have the full running game with all the art at this time. What it doesn't include is the multi-player part which is available on my own website.

To run it, you will need a .NET 5 environment (either Visual Studio or the .NET 5.0 SDK), you may then run it or publish it for the platform you want. Personally I do the hosting on a Linux so multi-platform is ensured ;)

Yes even Mac OSX users can run it and check how it works. No you don't need to buy anything as all is available for free.

Of course if you have questions just drop a line and I shall try to answer.
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Re: A web RTS in .NET 5

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

Awesome, thanks for sharing.
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