Patch Notes: Closed Hello world version, story

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Patch Notes: Closed Hello world version, story

Post by Nikolaj »

In the closed version, there were five people at my house to try the game, it passed on February 17, 2018.
They told me something that I wanted was a part of the game, but when I was worried people would get too much information, therefore it was not made yet.
This soon became part of the game and I was ready to open the game for others on March 1st.
Here are the things that come into too the game before March 1, 2018:
- In the menu to the right you can see all the resources, and not just those you get on the next turn.
- Unfortunately, the “next turn” did not work on February 17th, so I should find a solution, it only took a day to solve that problem.
I'm dyslexic, so if you do not understand what I'm writing, ask, so I'll try to write it in another way.
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Re: Patch Notes: Closed Hello world version, story

Post by Jackolantern »

That is very good that you are sharing your game early with your friends to get feedback. You should keep that up because it really helps to refine your game design and to keep you motivated to continue. Some people are afraid to show their creations off when they are still early, thinking "It is too early so they won't get it" or "It isn't fun yet and won't be until I add features X, Y and Z". Congratulations on your first closed alpha test 8-)
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Re: Patch Notes: Closed Hello world version, story

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

Yeah definitely a great start
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Re: Patch Notes: Closed Hello world version, story

Post by Nikolaj »

Thank you and yes, I can better show people what I'm going to worker with, even though there is only about 1% of the whole idea, but I'm up and running :D
I'm dyslexic, so if you do not understand what I'm writing, ask, so I'll try to write it in another way.
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