chivalry engine profile error

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chivalry engine profile error

Post by Rodeobull »


i want to use the chivalry engine and i have an error on the profile page
i can't view any profile because it keeps saying
The user you are trying to view does not exist, or has an account issue.

Code: Select all

	File:		profile.php
	Created: 	4/5/2016 at 12:23AM Eastern Time
	Info: 		Allows players to view a player's profile page. This
				displays information about their level, location,
				gender, cash, estate, etc.
	Author:		TheMasterGeneral
$code = request_csrf_code('inbox_send');
$code2 = request_csrf_code('cash_send');
$_GET['user'] = (isset($_GET['user']) && is_numeric($_GET['user'])) ? abs($_GET['user']) : '';
if (!$_GET['user']) {
    alert("danger", "Uh Oh!", "Please specify a user you wish to view.", true, 'index.php');
} else {
    $q =
            "SELECT `u`.`userid`, `user_level`, `laston`, `last_login`,
                    `registertime`, `vip_days`, `username`, `gender`,
					`primary_currency`, `secondary_currency`, `level`, `class`,
					`display_pic`, `hp`, `maxhp`, `guild`,
                    `fedjail`, `bank`, `lastip`, `lastip`,
                    `loginip`, `registerip`, `staff_notes`, `town_name`,
                    `house_name`, `guild_name`, `fed_out`, `fed_reason`,
					`infirmary_reason`, `infirmary_out`, `dungeon_reason`, `dungeon_out`,
					`browser`, `os`, `screensize`
                    FROM `users` `u`
                    INNER JOIN `town` AS `t`
                    ON `u`.`location` = `t`.`town_id`
					LEFT JOIN `infirmary` AS `i`
					ON `u`.`userid` = `i`.`infirmary_user`
					LEFT JOIN `dungeon` AS `d`
					ON `u`.`userid` = `d`.`dungeon_user`
                    INNER JOIN `estates` AS `e`
                    ON `u`.`maxwill` = e.`house_will`
                    LEFT JOIN `guild` AS `g`
                    ON `g`.`guild_id` = `u`.`guild`
                    LEFT JOIN `fedjail` AS `f`
                    ON `f`.`fed_userid` = `u`.`userid`
					LEFT JOIN `userdata` AS `ud`
                    ON `ud`.`userid` = `u`.`userid`
                    WHERE `u`.`userid` = {$_GET['user']}");
    if ($db->num_rows($q) == 0) {
        alert("danger", "Uh Oh!", "The user you are trying to view does not exist, or has an account issue.", true, 'index.php');
    } else {
        $r = $db->fetch_row($q);
        $lon = ($r['laston'] > 0) ? date('F j, Y g:i:s a', $r['laston']) : "Never";
        $ula = ($r['laston'] == 0) ? 'Never' : DateTime_Parse($r['laston']);
        $ull = ($r['last_login'] == 0) ? 'Never' : DateTime_Parse($r['last_login']);
        $sup = date('F j, Y g:i:s a', $r['registertime']);
        $displaypic = ($r['display_pic']) ? "<img src='{$r['display_pic']}' class='img-thumbnail img-responsive' width='250' height='250'>" : '';
        $user_name = ($r['vip_days']) ? "<span class='text-danger'>{$r['username']} <i class='fa fa-shield'
            data-toggle='tooltip' title='{$r['vip_days']} VIP Days remaining.'></i></span>" : $r['username'];
        $ref_q =
                "SELECT COUNT(`referalid`)
                         FROM `referals`
                         WHERE `referal_userid` = {$r['userid']}");
        $ref = $db->fetch_single($ref_q);
        $friend_q =
                "SELECT COUNT(`friend_id`)
                         FROM `friends`
                         WHERE `friended` = {$r['userid']}");
        $friend = $db->fetch_single($friend_q);
        $enemy_q =
                "SELECT COUNT(`enemy_id`)
                         FROM `enemy`
                         WHERE `enemy_user` = {$r['userid']}");
        $enemy = $db->fetch_single($enemy_q);
        $CurrentTime = time();
        $r['daysold'] = DateTime_Parse($r['registertime'], false, true);
        $rhpperc = round($r['hp'] / $r['maxhp'] * 100);
        echo "<h3>{$user_name}'s Profile</h3>";
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-lg-2">
        echo "{$displaypic}<br />
                        {$r['user_level']}<br />
						Location {$r['town_name']}<br />
                        Level: {$r['level']}<br />";
        echo ($r['guild']) ? "Guild: <a href='guilds.php?action=view&id={$r['guild']}'>{$r['guild_name']}</a><br />" : '';
        echo "Health: {$r['hp']}/{$r['maxhp']}<br />";
			<div class="col-lg-10">
				<ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified">
				  <li class="active nav-item"><a class='nav-link' data-toggle="tab" href="#info"><?php echo "Physical Info"; ?></a></li>
				  <li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' data-toggle="tab" href="#actions"><?php echo "Actions"; ?></a></li>
				  <li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' data-toggle="tab" href="#financial"><?php echo "Financial Info"; ?></a></li>
        if (!in_array($ir['user_level'], array('Member', 'NPC'))) {
            echo "<li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' data-toggle='tab' href='#staff'>Staff</a></li>";
				<br />
				<div class="tab-content">
				  <div id="info" class="tab-pane active">
						<table class='table table-bordered'>
								<th width='25%'>Sex</th>
								<th>Last Active</th>
								<th>Last Login</th>
        if (user_infirmary($r['userid'])) {
            echo "
								<td>In the infirmary for " . TimeUntil_Parse($r['infirmary_out']) . ".<br />
        if (user_dungeon($r['userid'])) {
            echo "
								<td>In the dungeon for " . TimeUntil_Parse($r['dungeon_out']) . ".<br />
        if ($r['fedjail']) {
            echo "
								<th>Federal Dungeon</th>
								<td>In the federal dungeon for " . TimeUntil_Parse($r['fed_out']) . ".<br />
        echo "</table>
				  <div id='actions' class='tab-pane'>
                    <a href='inbox.php?action=compose&user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Message {$r['username']}</a>
                    <br />
				    <br />
				    <a href='sendcash.php?user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Send {$r['username']} Cash</a>
				    <br />
				    <br />
					<a href='attack.php?user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-danger'>Attack {$r['username']}</a>
					<br />
					<br />
					<a href='hirespy.php?user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Spy On {$r['username']}</a>
					<br />
					<br />
					<a href='poke.php?user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Poke {$r['username']}</a>
					<br />
					<br />
					<a href='contacts.php?action=add&user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Add {$r['username']} to Contact List</a>
				  <div id="financial" class="tab-pane">
						<table class='table table-bordered'>
								<th width='25%'>Primary Currency</th>
								<td> " . number_format($r['primary_currency']) . "</td>
								<th>Secondary Currency</th>
								<td>" . number_format($r['secondary_currency']) . "</td>
								<td>" . number_format($ref) . "</td>
								<td>" . number_format($friend) . "</td>
								<td>" . number_format($enemy) . "</td>
        echo '<div id="staff" class="tab-pane">';
        if (!in_array($ir['user_level'], array('Member', 'NPC'))) {
            $fg = json_decode(get_fg_cache("cache/{$r['lastip']}.json", "{$r['lastip']}", 65655), true);
            $log = $db->fetch_single($db->query("SELECT `log_text` FROM `logs` WHERE `log_user` = {$r['userid']} ORDER BY `log_id` DESC"));
            echo "<a href='staff/staff_punish.php?action=fedjail&user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Fedjail</a>
                <a href='staff/staff_punish.php?action=forumban&user={$r['userid']}' class='btn btn-primary'>Forum Ban</a>";
            echo "<table class='table table-bordered'>
								<th width='33%'>Data</th>
								<td>{$fg['city']}, {$fg['state']}, {$fg['country']}, ({$fg['isocode']})</td>
								<td>Risk Level</td>
								<td>" . parse_risk($fg['risk_level']) . "</td>
								<td>Last Hit</td>
								<td>Last Login</td>
								<td>Sign Up</td>
									Last Action
					<form action='staff/staff_punish.php?action=staffnotes' method='post'>
						Staff Notes
						<br />
						<textarea rows='7' class='form-control' name='staffnotes'>"
                . htmlentities($r['staff_notes'], ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1')
                . "</textarea>
						<br />
						<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['user']}' />
						<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary' value='Update Notes' />
function parse_risk($risk_level)
    switch ($risk_level) {
        case 2:
            return "Spam";
        case 3:
            return "Open Public Proxy";
        case 4:
            return "Tor Node";
        case 5:
            return "Honeypot / Botnet / DDOS Attack";
            return "No Risk";
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Re: chivalry engine profile error

Post by Jackolantern »

Are you sure that the user it is trying to query for does exist in the database? It appears that this is the error message that shows when it can't get the result from the DB.
The indelible lord of tl;dr
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Re: chivalry engine profile error

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

There are a lot of joins in that query as well. Make sure the user aslo has the entries in the required tables.
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Re: chivalry engine profile error

Post by Jackolantern »

Good call. Maybe try to extract the query out into plain SQL and try running it directly inside MySQL. See if it returns data.
The indelible lord of tl;dr
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