[Post Apocalyptic Trail] A small text based Trail game

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Callan S.
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[Post Apocalyptic Trail] A small text based Trail game

Post by Callan S. »


I wrote this as a way of playtesting a game for table top play. It's kind of like Oregon trail, though fairly simple. This one is set in the table top game world of Rifts (not to be confused with the mmorpg Rift). Though without any Rifts intellectual property in it!

I like the repair system in it, how you search for scrap, getting cuts and bruises along the way. Then at small farms and villages the yokals scratch their heads over the dints in your armour, seeing if they can figure how to take your scrap and use it to repair your armour (in exchange for a piece of scrap from you, if they can figure it out!)

Also I've tried putting google analytics tracking code in the main.php page, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've gotten analytics to work before. So any hints on that would be helpful! Thanks for reading and checking out the page! :)

Oh, for now I'm calling it post apocalyptic trail, but I can't remember if Halls was already using that. If so, it's just a working title that I can change. I'm not attached to the name.

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