Chat Arena

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Chat Arena

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

I am starting the topic here but it will eventually be moved.

I am working on a different type of game. Something simple yet not seen very often if any. It is a chat program through the browser where you and friends battle and adventure together. Imagine IRC or a another type of simple chat program. You start out in the tavern and can chat and talk fellow adventurers. On the side bar there is a room list with arenas and dungeons you can join. It is the same type of chat room but you and all players in there battle the server!

The server throws in random creatures based on level of arena/dungeon. You must all work together and kill the encounters, or defuse traps, whatever. PVP is allowed in some rooms. Pickpocket is allowed as well along with scrying and things but there is a jail and a hospital you can end up.

You build your character as you play, random rooms open and close, random shops open up and you can swing in and buy new equipment from the server.

Currently the chat system is built with rooms and the server can spawn creatures. Node connections are all working well. I am working on the command system and the battle system.

Below is a ugly screen of work in progress.

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Re: Chat Arena

Post by Xaleph »

Sounds interesting, but the image is not working at the moment? Looks cool, if the chat is done properly ( with auto focus etc ) i think this could be fun.

How is the MMO framework coming along?
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Re: Chat Arena

Post by Jackolantern »

Very cool sounding! It sounds like a type of maybe freeform MUD, that is more social-based instead of more adventure-based. Maybe you could even end up taking it in the direction of a tabletop RPG, where players could choose to enter player-run rooms, where one player assumes the role of the server and selects what monsters to send after the players on the fly, and controls the action from a DM-style position. :)
The indelible lord of tl;dr
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