Have this:

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Have this:

Post by deluxxmanx »

Notice: Use of undefined constant opendb - assumed 'opendb' in D:\wamp\www\lib.php on line 6


Code: Select all

<?php // login.php :: Handles logins and cookies.

if (isset($_GET["do"])) {
    if ($_GET["do"] == "login") { login(); }
    elseif ($_GET["do"] == "logout") { logout(); }

function login() {
    $link = opendb();
            $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");
        $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery);
        $onlinequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) >= '".(time()-600)."' ORDER BY experience DESC", "users");
     while ($onlinerow = mysql_fetch_array($onlinequery)) {
	$query = doquery("SELECT id FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", "users");
	$last_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    $page = "<center><br>Players Online: <b>" . mysql_num_rows($onlinequery) . "</b> | Most Online: <b>".$controlrow["mostonline"]."</b> | Registered Players: <b>".number_format($last_user['id'])."</b></center>\n";
    if ($_COOKIE['dk_login'] == 1) {
    	die("<b>You have been banned</b><p>Your accounts has been banned and you have been placed into the Town Jail. This may well be permanent, or just a 24 hour temporary warning ban. If you want to be unbanned, contact the game administrator by emailing admin@dk-rpg.com."); }

    if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
        $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE username='".$_POST["username"]."' AND password='".md5($_POST["password"])."' LIMIT 1", "users");
        if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 1) { die("You have entered an invalid username or password. Please go back and try again. <p>If this problem continues, please contact support via the main login page.<p>Note: DK has a regular Player Prune which means all inactive accounts are deleted permanently. Usually your account has to be at least 3-4 weeks old for this to happen, and be level 1."); }
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        if (isset($_POST["rememberme"])) { $expiretime = time()+31536000; $rememberme = 1; } else { $expiretime = 0; $rememberme = 0; }
        $cookie = $row["id"] . " " . $row["username"] . " " . md5($row["password"] . "--" . $dbsettings["secretword"]) . " " . $rememberme;
        setcookie("dkgame", $cookie, $expiretime, "/", "", 0);

        header("Location: index.php?do=news");
    $page .= gettemplate("login");
    $title = "Welcome to Dragons Kingdom - An online browser based RPG!";
    display($page, $title, false, false, false, false);

function logout() {
    setcookie("dkgame", "", time()-100000, "/", "", 0);
    header("Location: login.php?do=login");

I am a PS CS4 artist. Signature above made by me.
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Re: Have this:

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

the error is in lib.php not login.php, we need to see lib.php
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Posts: 1580
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Re: Have this:

Post by Chris »

I'm guessing you have forgotten to either add a $ or two brackets at the start/end of 'opendb' on line 6 in lib.php
Fighting for peace is declaring war on war. If you want peace be peaceful.
Posts: 88
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Re: Have this:

Post by deluxxmanx »


Code: Select all

<?php // lib.php :: Common functions used throughout the program.

$starttime = getmicrotime();
$numqueries = 0;

 function opendb() { // Open database connection.

    $link = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db($name) or die(mysql_error());
    return $link;


// Handling for servers with magic_quotes turned on.
// Example from php.net.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   function stripslashes_deep($value)
       $value = is_array($value) ?
                   array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) :


       return $value;

   $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
   $_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET);
   $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE);
foreach($_POST as $a=>$b) { $_POST[$a] = addslashes($b); }
foreach($_GET as $a=>$b) { $_GET[$a] = addslashes($b); }

function doquery($query, $table) { // Something of a tiny little database abstraction layer.

    global $numqueries;
    $sqlquery = mysql_query(str_replace("{{table}}", $dbsettings["prefix"] . "_" . $table, $query)) or die(mysql_error());
    return $sqlquery;


function gettemplate($templatename) { // SQL query for the template.

    $filename = "templates/" . $templatename . ".php";
    return $template;


function parsetemplate($template, $array) { // Replace template with proper content.

    foreach($array as $a => $b) {
        $template = str_replace("{{{$a}}}", $b, $template);
    return $template;


function getmicrotime() { // Used for timing script operations.

    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);


function prettydate($uglydate) { // Change the MySQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD) into something friendlier.

    return date("F j, Y", mktime(0,0,0,substr($uglydate, 5, 2),substr($uglydate, 8, 2),substr($uglydate, 0, 4)));


function prettyforumdate($uglydate) { // Change the MySQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD) into something friendlier.

    return date("F j, Y", mktime(0,0,0,substr($uglydate, 5, 2),substr($uglydate, 8, 2),substr($uglydate, 0, 4)));


function is_email($email) { // 



function makesafe($d) {
    $d = str_replace("\t","",$d);
    $d = str_replace("<","<",$d);
    $d = str_replace(">",">",$d);
    $d = str_replace("\n","",$d);
    $d = str_replace("|","??",$d);
    $d = str_replace("  ","  ",$d);
    return $d;

function my_htmlspecialchars($text) { // 

  $ALLOWABLE_TAGS = array("b", "i", "u", "p", "blockquote", "ol", "ul", "li");
  static $PATTERNS = array();
  static $REPLACEMENTS = array();
  if (count($PATTERNS) == 0) {
   foreach ($ALLOWABLE_TAGS as $tag) {
     $PATTERNS[] = "/<$tag>/i";
     $PATTERNS[] = "/<\/$tag>/i";
     $REPLACEMENTS[] = "<$tag>";
     $REPLACEMENTS[] = "</$tag>";

  $result = str_replace(array(">", "<", "\"", "'"),
                       array(">", "<", """, "'"),

  $result = preg_replace($PATTERNS, $REPLACEMENTS, $result);

  return $result;


function admindisplay($content, $title) { // Finalize page and output to browser.

    global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow, $starttime;
    if (!isset($controlrow)) {
        $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");
        $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery);

    $template = gettemplate("admin");

    // Make page tags for XHTML validation.
    $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"
    . "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"
    . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n";

    $finalarray = array(
        "totaltime"=>round(getmicrotime() - $starttime, 4),
    $page = parsetemplate($template, $finalarray);
    $page = $xml . $page;

    if ($controlrow["compression"] == 1) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); }
    echo $page;


function moddisplay($content, $title) { // Finalize page and output to browser.

    global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow, $starttime;
    if (!isset($controlrow)) {
        $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");
        $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery);

    $template = gettemplate("mod");

    // Make page tags for XHTML validation.
    $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"
    . "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"
    . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n";

    $finalarray = array(
        "totaltime"=>round(getmicrotime() - $starttime, 4),
    $page = parsetemplate($template, $finalarray);
    $page = $xml . $page;

    if ($controlrow["compression"] == 1) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); }
    echo $page;


function display($content, $title, $chatnav=true, $leftnav=true, $rightnav=true, $badstart=false) { // Finalize page and output to browser.

    global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow;

    if (!isset($controlrow)) {
        $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");
        $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery);
    if ($badstart == false) { global $starttime; } else { $starttime = $badstart; }

    // Make page tags for XHTML validation.
    $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"
    . "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"
    . "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n";

    $template = gettemplate("primary");

    if ($rightnav == true) { $rightnav = gettemplate("rightnav"); } else { $rightnav = ""; }
    if ($leftnav == true) { $leftnav = gettemplate("leftnav"); } else { $leftnav = ""; }

    if (isset($userrow)) {

        // Get userrow again, in case something has been updated.
        $userquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");
        $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($userquery);
        $userrow["bank"] = number_format($userrow["bank"]);
        // Current town name.
        if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") {
            $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns");
            $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery);
            $userrow["currenttown"] = "<b>Welcome to ".$townrow["name"].".</b><br /><br />";
        } else {
            $userrow["currenttown"] = "<b>Not in a Town</b><p>";
            if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") {
            $town2query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns");
            $town2row = mysql_fetch_array($town2query);
            $userrow["currenttown2"] = "".$townrow["name"]."";
        // Format various userrow stuffs...
        if ($userrow["latitude"] < 0) { $userrow["latitude"] = $userrow["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $userrow["latitude"] .= "N"; }
        if ($userrow["longitude"] < 0) { $userrow["longitude"] = $userrow["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $userrow["longitude"] .= "E"; }
           $userrow["totalexp"] = ($userrow["experience"] + $userrow["miningxp"] + $userrow["endurancexp"] + $userrow["smeltingxp"] + $userrow["muggingxp"] + $userrow["craftingxp"] + $userrow["forgingxp"]);
        $userrow["skilltotal"] = ($userrow["level"] + $userrow["mining"] + $userrow["endurance"] + $userrow["smelting"] + $userrow["mugging"] + $userrow["crafting"] + $userrow["forging"] + $userrow["skill1level"] + $userrow["skill2level"] + $userrow["skill3level"] + $userrow["skill4level"]);
    $userrow["totalexp"] = number_format($userrow["totalexp"]);
        $userrow["tempexp"] = $userrow["experience"];
        $userrow["experience"] = number_format($userrow["experience"]);
        $userrow["miningxp"] = number_format($userrow["miningxp"]);  
        $userrow["smeltingxp"] = number_format($userrow["smeltingxp"]);  
        $userrow["endurancexp"] = number_format($userrow["endurancexp"]);   
         $userrow["craftingxp"] = number_format($userrow["craftingxp"]); 
$userrow["forgingxp"] = number_format($userrow["forgingxp"]);                     
        $userrow["gold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);
        $userrow["dscales"] = number_format($userrow["dscales"]);
$userrow["defensepower"] = number_format($userrow["defensepower"]);
$userrow["attackpower"] = number_format($userrow["attackpower"]);
$userrow["attributes"] = number_format($userrow["attributes"]);
$userrow["bones"] = number_format($userrow["bones"]);

        if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 1) { $userrow["adminlink"] = "<IMG SRC='images/icon_arrow.gif' ALT='Admin Panel'> <a href=\"admin/admin.php\">Admin Panel</a><br>"; } else { $userrow["adminlink"] = ""; }
        if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 3) { $userrow["modlink"] = "<IMG SRC='images/icon_arrow.gif' ALT='Mod Panel'> <a href=\"admin/mod.php\">Mod Panel</a><br>"; } else { $userrow["modlink"] = ""; }

        if (($userrow["latitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["latitude"] >= -15) && ($userrow["longitude"] <= 15 && $userrow["longitude"] >= -15) || $userrow["currentaction"] == "In Town") { $userrow["zone"] = "<font color=green><b>Safe Zone</b></font>"; }
        else {
         $userrow["zone"] = "<font color=red><b>Danger Zone</b></font>"; 
        if ($userrow["run"] == 1) { $userrow["run"] = "Walking"; }
        if ($userrow["run"] == 3) { $userrow["run"] = "Running"; }
        // Home Location
        $charname = $userrow["charname"];
        $homesquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE charname='$charname' ", "homes");
        $userrow["homes"] = "";
        while ($homesrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($homesquery2)) {
        	          if ($homesrow2["latitude"] < 0) { $homesrow2["latitude"] = $homesrow2["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $homesrow2["latitude"] .= "N"; }
        if ($homesrow2["longitude"] < 0) { $homesrow2["longitude"] = $homesrow2["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $homesrow2["longitude"] .= "E"; }

                $userrow["homes"] .= "Home Location: ".$homesrow2["latitude"].", ".$homesrow2["longitude"]."</a><br />\n";

        // Exp bar.
        $curexp = 0;
        $nextexp = 0;
        $levelquery = doquery("SELECT id,". $userrow["charclass"]."_exp FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".($userrow["level"]+1)."' OR id='".$userrow["level"]."' LIMIT 2", "levels");
        while($levelrow = mysql_fetch_array($levelquery)) {
            if ($levelrow["id"] == $userrow["level"]) { $curexp = $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_exp"]; }
            if ($levelrow["id"] == ($userrow["level"] + 1)) { $nextexp = $levelrow[$userrow["charclass"]."_exp"]; }

        // HP/MP/TP bars.
        $stathp = ceil($userrow["currenthp"] / $userrow["maxhp"] * 150);
        if ($userrow["maxmp"] != 0) { $statmp = ceil($userrow["currentmp"] / $userrow["maxmp"] * 150); } else { $statmp = 0; }
        $stattp = ceil($userrow["currenttp"] / $userrow["maxtp"] * 150);
        $statap = ceil($userrow["currentap"] / $userrow["maxap"] * 150);
        $statfat = ceil($userrow["currentfat"] / $userrow["maxfat"] * 150);        
        $statexp = ceil( ($userrow["tempexp"] - $curexp) / ($nextexp - $curexp) * 150 );
        if($statexp > 150){
        $statexp = 150;}

  // Now make numbers stand out if theyre low.
        if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= ($userrow["maxhp"]/5)) { $userrow["currenthp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currenthp"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
        if ($userrow["currentmp"] <= ($userrow["maxmp"]/5)) { $userrow["currentmp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currentmp"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
        if ($userrow["currenttp"] <= ($userrow["maxtp"]/5)) { $userrow["currenttp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currenttp"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
        if ($userrow["currentap"] <= ($userrow["maxap"]/5)) { $userrow["currentap"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currentap"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }
        if ($userrow["currentfat"] >= ($userrow["maxfat"]-15)) { $userrow["currentfat"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\"><b>*".$userrow["currentfat"]."*</b></span></blink>"; }

    $level2query = doquery("SELECT ". $userrow["charclass"]."_exp FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".($userrow["level"]+1)."' LIMIT 1", "levels");
    $level2row = mysql_fetch_array($level2query);
    $userrow["nextlevel2"] = number_format($level2row[$userrow["charclass"]."_exp"]);
        $stattable = "<table width=\"150\"><tr><td width=\"150%\">\n";	
                $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($stathp >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($stathp < 100 && $stathp >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($stathp < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>HP: ".$userrow["currenthp"]." / ".$userrow["maxhp"]."</td></tr></table>\n";
                $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($statmp >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_blue.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_blue.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statmp < 100 && $statmp >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_blue.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_blue.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statmp < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_blue.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_blue.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>MP: ".$userrow["currentmp"]." / ".$userrow["maxmp"]."</td></tr></table>\n";
             $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($stattp >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_orange.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_orange.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($stattp < 100 && $stattp >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_orange.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_orange.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($stattp < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_orange.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_orange.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>TP: ".$userrow["currenttp"]." / ".$userrow["maxtp"]."</td></tr></table>\n";   
          $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($statap >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statap."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_purple.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_purple.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statap < 100 && $statap >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statap."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_purple.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_purple.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statap < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statap."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_purple.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_purple.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>AP: ".$userrow["currentap"]." / ".$userrow["maxap"]."</td></tr></table>\n";
        $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($statfat >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statfat."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statfat < 100 && $statfat >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statfat."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statfat < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statfat."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>Fatigue: ".$userrow["currentfat"]." / ".$userrow["maxfat"]."</td></tr></table>\n";
        $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:150px; height:5px; border:solid 1px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";
        if ($statexp >= 100) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statexp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_black.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_black.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statexp < 100 && $statexp >= 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statexp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_black.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_black.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }
        if ($statexp < 50) { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statexp."px; border-top:solid 1px black; background-image:url(images/bars_black.gif);\"><img src=\"images/bars_black.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>"; }

        $stattable .= "</tr><tr><td>Exp: ".$userrow["experience"]." / ".$userrow["nextlevel2"]."<p><center>View: <a href='index.php?do=onlinechar:".$userrow["id"]."'>Profile</a> - <a href='index.php?do=viewpets'>Pets</a><br><a href='index.php?do=backpack'>Backpack</a></center></td></tr></table></table>\n";
        $userrow["statbars"] = $stattable;

        $spellquery = doquery("SELECT id,name,type FROM {{table}}","spells");
        $userspells = explode(",",$userrow["spells"]);
        $userrow["magiclist"] = "";
        while ($spellrow = mysql_fetch_array($spellquery)) {
            $spell = false;
            foreach($userspells as $a => $b) {
                if ($b == $spellrow["id"] && $spellrow["type"] == 1) { $spell = true; }
            if ($spell == true) {
                $userrow["magiclist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=spell:".$spellrow["id"]."\">".$spellrow["name"]."</a><br />";
        if ($userrow["magiclist"] == "") { $userrow["magiclist"] = "No Quick Spells"; }

        $inventitemsquery = doquery("SELECT id,name,type FROM {{table}}","inventitems");
        $userinventitems = explode(",",$userrow["inventitems"]);
        $userrow["inventitems"] = "";
        while ($inventitemsrow = mysql_fetch_array($inventitemsquery)) {
            $inventitems = false;
            foreach($userinventitems as $a => $b) {
                if ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 1) { $inventitems = true; } 
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 11) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 13) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 14) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 15) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 16) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 17) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 18) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 20) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 21) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 25) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 26) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 27) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 28) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 29) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 30) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 31) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 32) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 33) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 34) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 35) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 36) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 37) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 38) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 39) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 40) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 41) { $inventitems = true; }
                elseif ($b == $inventitemsrow["id"] && $inventitemsrow["type"] == 50) { $inventitems = true; }
            if ($inventitems == true) {
                $userrow["inventitemslist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=qitem:".$inventitemsrow["id"]."\">".$inventitemsrow["name"]."</a><br />";
        if ($userrow["inventitemslist"] == "") { $userrow["inventitemslist"] = "No Quick Items"; }

// Whos in chat
$online2query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(chattime) >= '".(time()-90)."' AND charname!='Admin' ORDER BY charname",
    $userrow["chatonline"] =  mysql_num_rows($online2query);

// Whos online
$onlinequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(onlinetime) >= '".(time()-600)."' ORDER BY charname",
    $userrow["numonline"] =  mysql_num_rows($onlinequery);
    $online =  mysql_num_rows($onlinequery);
	if (mysql_num_rows($onlinequery) > $controlrow["mostonline"]) { 
		$query = doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET mostonline='$online' WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");
// Game mail
$player = $userrow["charname"];
$mailquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE recipient='$player' AND
mread='0' ", "gamemail");
$newmail = mysql_num_rows($mailquery);
$userrow["newmail"] = "(".$newmail.")";

// Game mail image
$player = $userrow["charname"];
$mailimagequery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE recipient='$player' AND mread='0' ", "gamemail");
if (mysql_num_rows($mailimagequery) > "0") {
$mailimage = "<a href=\"gamemail.php\"><IMG SRC=\"images/notify_mail.gif\" ALT=\"Check your mail!\" border=\"0\"></a> ";

        // Travel To list.
        $townslist = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]);
        $townquery2 = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id", "towns");
        $userrow["townslist"] = "";
        while ($townrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($townquery2)) {
            $town = false;
            foreach($townslist as $a => $b) {
                if ($b == $townrow2["id"]) { $town = true; }
            if ($town == true) {
                $userrow["townslist"] .= "<IMG SRC=\"images/icon_arrow.gif\"> TP: ".$townrow2["travelpoints"]." <a href=\"index.php?do=gotown:".$townrow2["id"]."\">".$townrow2["name"]."</a><br />\n";

    } else {
        $userrow = array();

    $finalarray = array(
        "totaltime"=>round(getmicrotime() - $starttime, 4),
    $page = parsetemplate($template, $finalarray);
    $page = $xml . $page;
    if ($controlrow["compression"] == 1) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); }
    echo $page;


I am a PS CS4 artist. Signature above made by me.
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Re: Have this:

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

seems to me you are asking for a function outside its scope. It hasnt been declared yet and it is declared in another scope.
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Posts: 1580
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Re: Have this:

Post by Chris »

Because you left out the quotations it's looking for the defenition of opendb on it's own which gives you this error.

What PHP thinks you are trying to do is call a definition called opendb, the code it would be expecting looks like this:

Code: Select all

define('opendb', 'string goes here', false);
this will work like a variable, rather than having to but a $ infront of opendb. when you try echo opendb it will now say 'string goes here':

Code: Select all

echo opendb; // will echo 'string goes here'

// here's another example:
define( 'LOL' , 'haha' );
echo LOL; // will echo 'haha'
But this is going to take up more un-needed memory.

The function_exists function requires the parameter to be the name of the function in the form of a string, so the foruth line with content:

Code: Select all

should be:

Code: Select all

Hope it works.
Fighting for peace is declaring war on war. If you want peace be peaceful.
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