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Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:36 pm
by Dabouh
Hi all,

As i said i am working on RTS, it is a kind of Lord of Ultima from EA if some of you remember this; and it has been remake by Crown of the Gods.

Today i am wondering, if it is a good idea to use PHP with Mysql to make the back end.

I found with PHP/Mysql that it was possible to use cron table and events in Mysql DB to update the data of the players,
for example i can raise the amount of ressources when the players are not online, and i can create some combats events even if the players are also not online.

My concern is about the speed of the database, what happens if there are 100 players at the same time, this will still work ? or will i have a deny system ?

I know that there is node.j with can be used with mongodb, i started a little to see how that works, but it is a lot of work (again) to understand all this.

What do you think about ?




Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:56 am
by hallsofvallhalla
MySQL can definitely handle a lot of connections. I would not worry about it too much unless you plan on thousands of thousands of players. When you get there you can afford to change it.

So are you using js with ajax then to make it real time?


Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:17 am
by KaL
Don’t reinvent the wheel. Try out my engine:
It has all the module you need to build your game.
If not I can make them.


Text Based MMO (MYSQL system)

Sorry for the landing page, someone keep deleting
My image.

Username: admin
Password: admin

Username: player
Password: player

If you like the engine DM me.


Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:06 pm
by Dabouh

Ok thx for the answer hallsofvallhalla.

Yes i use ajax to send javascript variables json format to php.

I saw what you did Kal, it is a nice game, it look like ultima II, long time ago.

What i am doing is very different, there is no animation, i am making a wargame, i don t use a hero system, there are armies and castles, it is economic and military strategical.

I use hexagon system map.

But i will be very please to receive some advices and help during the contruction of the code.

I think there will be a first beta version in the end of november.

thx Dabouh