Writer for Hire

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Writer for Hire

Post by Anaris »

Hey everyone.

Anaris here.

I've been writing fiction for almost ten years now. I started off writing fan fiction and now Im working on my own novel as well as writing for SpiritWebb's game Trapped. I'm here to offer my writing services to IR.

Are you working on a game or have an idea for something but you just can't get the story to flow? Then Im your girl. I can do everything from detailed written character descriptions to novellas and maybe even full on novels based off your ideas. I'll even run a blog for you! I'm a member of tumblr and it's a great blogging site.

You can see an example of my fictional blog writing at the following:

As far as my other writing goes, I don't have many examples that aren't from online forum role plays. However, feel free to test my abilities. Send me a PM and challenge me to write something.

I put up a website with examples of my writing and rates! Check it out guys!


Character Descriptions/Profiles
5$ per character description
10$ per full profile

I look forward to working with you guys!

(please note this is more than a few months old and I was trying something new with this story so forgive any mistakes. I will edit and revise anything I do for money more times than I could even count on here with my unlimited amount of numbers.)
We aren’t trained to do what we do. We aren’t even born with some hidden ability to do what we are forced to do. I remember the first time I had to take a life. It was messy and bloody. I can still smell the blood; copper and something sweet will always be burned into my memory. I remember feeling like I had no control over my body as I brought the knife up and plunged it deep into his body, over and over again. I was terrified. Tears streamed down my face and I apologized over and over to the man. I remember watching his eyes go dark and that was when I knew he was gone. I think what sickened me most was the pride I felt when I heard a voice say “good girl” whispered on the damp wind. I’ll admit, it has gotten easier over the years. I no longer apologize to my victims. I simply do what He tells me to and I get it done as quickly as possible. That makes things easier. I have learned one thing; no one says no to Death…

Was the sky always this blue? It was like I hadn’t seen the sky during the day in years. Truth was, I just didn’t venture outside a lot during the day. When the sun set was when I roamed the streets of the city. I wasn’t a vampire or anything. I just got used to going out at night. It was easier to murder someone in the dead of night after all. It was rare that He called me to do his bidding during the day. I still wasn’t sure what had drove me to go to the lake. It was like I woke up and all I wanted to do was drive. I hadn’t even realized where I was going until I arrived.

The day had been fairly peaceful. No one else seemed to be out and about despite it being a beautiful day. It was around that time I recalled that it was a weekday. Most everyone else was busy with work or school. Lucky for me, I was on spring break from college and I wasn’t forced to get a job. I had Harrison to thank for that. Harrison had been my best friend since I was six years old. We were in kindergarten when we met. I was being picked on by some kid when Harrison had come to my rescue. Brave kid. He went home with a few bruises and a new best friend for life.

Bzzzzt! Bzzzzt!

I pulled my phone from my pocket to see a text. “Think of the devil and he shall text.” I mused as my thumb swiped across the screen. The text he sent was to inform me that his mother had made dinner and I was expected to be there in thirty minutes. I couldn’t help but smile a bit. Harrison’s mother had been like a guardian angel to me. When my parents died, she took me in like I was the daughter she never had. At first she had nearly begged me to marry her son but over time she realized that he and I were simply friends and nothing more. I swear it broke her poor heart. Getting up, I dusted off my jeans as well as I could before I headed for the black Malibu that sat in the parking lot.

Twenty minutes later I found myself pulling into the driveway of a two story house that had become my home. Harrison was sitting on the porch in his torn up jeans and a paint covered t-shirt. “Finished with that room yet Harry?” I asked as I got out of the car. He stood up and wore a dumb grin on his face. He had been working on painting his room for almost three months now.

“You know me Mora. I can’t concentrate on anything long enough to actually finish it.”

I shook my head. Sometimes I swear he had ADD and was never actually diagnosed with it. I walked up the stairs to the porch and he stood to walk inside with me. “So what did Mom make for dinner tonight?”

“I honestly have no idea. I was told to sit out here and wait on you.”

My brow furrowed as I looked towards the door. What in the world did that woman have planned? The last time she had done something like this was for Mora’s twenty first birthday. “We might as well go see what she made. You know Mom only does this when something is up.”

The two of us walked inside together. Needless to say we were both surprised to see Harrison’s parents sitting in the living room. I knew they had been waiting on us to walk in. Instantly I went on high alert. Something wasn’t right. His mother smiled but it didn’t mean her eyes.

“Welcome home kids. Come on. Dinner is ready. Go wash up and meet us at the table.”

Now I was really suspicious. She hadn’t told us to wash up since we were kids. I glanced over at Harrison just in time to see him walk towards the bathroom. I frowned. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it in my bones. Once I saw Harrison make his way into the kitchen, I went to the bathroom to wash up. I washed my hands twice before drying them off and leaving the small room. The others were already in the kitchen. I sat in my usual seat across from Harry and that was when things really started getting weird.

I watched with wide eyes as blood began to run down Harrison’s face. “What the hell?” I looked at the others to see them bleeding as well. My chest began to feel tight as the stench of blood filled the room. This wasn’t right. What was going on? I felt myself start to hyperventilate. It was like one of my worst nightmares come true. I tried to scoot back, to get up from my chair and escape but I couldn’t move. Tears stung my eyes. “Stop it! Please!” I begged. I knew who was doing this. I just didn’t know why. “STOP IT!”

“Mora! Wake up!”

I could feel someone shaking me hard. My eyes snapped open and my hands shot out to grab whoever it was. I felt my fingers clench soft fabric as Harrison came into focus. He was paler than normal and looked terrified. Slowly, I let go of him and sat up in my bed.

“You were having a nightmare or something. You kept screaming stop, over and over.”

“Did I say anything else?” I asked, trying to hide the hint of fear.

He shook his head. Oh thank god. I felt a weight leave my body. I hadn’t said anything else. There was no way that Harrison could know. I rubbed my right shoulder where it met my neck. That was where black ink splayed across my shoulder in a spiraled, tribal design. Harrison patted my back, offered me a smile, and turned to leave. As he reached the door, he turned and spoke. “Breakfast is ready if you’re okay to eat.”

I returned the smile though I was sure it looked fake. “Thanks Harrison. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.” He nodded at me before he left my room completely. I ran my hands over my face and groaned. This was probably the fifth nightmare I had since the last time He called on me. I had to find a way to make them stop. Maybe if I took some sleeping pills… No. I shook my head as I threw the comforter off my body and got out of bed. Once I slipped out of my night clothes and dressed in jeans and a tank top, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

It seemed that Harrison had been busy that morning. Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and a bottle of syrup sat on the small table. “Been up awhile I guess?” He didn’t cook like that unless he couldn’t sleep. I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and poured it into the glass he had sitting out for me.

“Yeah. I’ve had issues sleeping ever since we got here.”

I should have known that I was having a nightmare last night. Harrison and I had moved into a two story condo about five months ago. His parents had finally let him into his trust fund and with it, he bought this place and let me move in with him. I frowned a bit. I didn’t like it when he didn’t sleep. It not only bothered me but it also made it harder to explain why I wasn’t home at night sometimes. Last time he had been sitting up waiting on me when I walked in the door. Lucky for me, I learned early on to keep an extra pair of clothes in my car along with plenty of baby wipes. They didn’t always get all the blood off but they did the job in a pinch.

“You’ll get used to the place eventually.” I smiled at him and this time it was real. “Thanks for breakfast by the way.”

“You’re welcome Mora. Now eat up before it gets too cold.” He waved his fork at the food as he spoke.

Sitting down, I filled my plate with a little of everything and ate until I was full. It had been a long time since I had just eaten until I couldn’t anymore. “So what are the plans for today Harry?”

“I had planned on going downtown to buy a few things for the house. What do you have planned?”

I shrugged. “Probably going to get some housework done and maybe go buy some new jeans or something. I’m down to two pairs.”

“How in the world do you keep going through jeans like that?” He asked. There was a perplexed look on his face. I figured he would eventually ask me that question.

“It’s simple Harry. I’ve been working out more lately and I’ve lost some weight. You know I go through health kick stages every few months or so. I keep losing and gaining weight. Jeans fit and then they don’t and then they get ruined somehow so I need new ones.” Seemed like a good enough lie and he seemed to buy it. “Not to mention that when it’s that time of the-“

“I do NOT want to know about that!” He screeched as he threw his hands up. I couldn’t help but grin. That was another way to keep him off my tail about it. I grabbed the last piece of bacon, drowned it in syrup, and ate it before he could even realize I had taken it. I grinned widely at him as I gathered up my dirty dishes and moved to put them in the dishwasher. “If you weren’t my best friend Mora, I swear to everything I would have murdered you by now.”

I looked back at him and rolled my eyes. “Oh whatever Harrison. You know you can’t live without me. You love me too much.” I heard him sigh. He knew it was true.

“I’m heading out now. I’ll be back in a few hours. Try not to wreck the place okay?”

I frowned. He knew I wasn’t going to wreck the place. “That only happened one time!” I yelled at him as he left the condo. I had still be under His control when I got back home. It wasn’t like I had full control over myself and it had been a miracle that Harrison had been out that night. I don’t know what I would have done if I had accidentally killed him too.

Once I was sure he was gone, I made my way back to my bedroom and sat down on the floor. I reached under my bed to grab the black box that I kept hidden under there. I didn’t like doing this in the house but at the moment, I had no other place to receive my assignments. Opening the box, I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly as I took out the things I would need. Soon I had drawn a circle on the hardwood floor with chalk. Incense were lit and a small goblet sat in front of me.

There was one thing I hated about communicating with Him. It required that I bleed. I still hated the smell of blood even when it was my own. I took the knife from the box, held the blade against my palm, and pulled it across the already scarred flesh. A hiss escaped through gritted teeth as the sharp metal cut deep. Blood poured from my hand and into the goblet. It didn’t take long to fill the silver cup with what was needed. I wrapped my hand up with bandages from the box. One thing I did like about what I had become was that I healed far faster than any normal human.

“Who is my next target?” To anyone looking in, it would seem like I was talking to myself. That was until the whispering started. It still gave me chills as he spoke in hushed whispers that seemed to echo around the room. The blood in the goblet began to bubble as the whispers grew louder. I physically shivered as the temperature dropped dramatically. My tattoo burned, causing me to grab it and fight back the yelp that threatened to escape me. Finally, He whispered the name into my ear. As soon as I knew who I was looking for the room returned to normal. I hadn’t even noticed the shadows that had crept up the walls until I caught them receding from the corner of my eye. That was new. It was still far too early to go looking for the man who had been marked. Instead, I grabbed a t-shirt and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. I still needed to go buy new jeans before it was time to take another life.

It didn’t take long for me to clean up what little mess I had made in the bedroom. I scrubbed the chalk off the floor and cracked my window so Harrison wouldn’t smell the incense as much. He didn’t mind me burning them but the ones used to speak with Him were far stronger than the ones I would normally burn. The sound of the front door opening nearly caused me to jump out of my skin. Harrison wasn’t due home so soon. I quickly put everything back in the black box and shoved it back under my bed. I hadn’t had time to empty out the goblet. It was too late at this point. I just had to hope that He wasn’t still listening.

“You’re still home Mora?” Harrison called out from downstairs.

“Yeah. I decided to shower and stuff before I left.” I replied as I made my way down the stairs with my keys in hand. “I hadn’t take one since day before last so I figured I was starting to stink.” I wrinkled my nose and smiled at him. He shook his head as he put a few bags down on the coffee table. “I thought you were going to be a few hours.”

He looked at me before he glanced over to the stairs. “Why? You got a lover up there Mo?”

My jaw dropped. “A what? Oh god no Harrison! You know I don’t date!” It was too risky to date with what I was. I knew as soon as I realized what I had become that I would never be able to be with anyone. There was no way I could guarantee the safety of anyone I became emotionally involved with. How Harrison was still safe astounded me. I had been around him since it first began six years ago.

Harrison ran his fingers through his light brown hair. It still amazed me that he wasn’t dating anyone. Even I had to admit that he was attractive. He was six foot tall, built like a quarterback, and had eyes the color of caramel. “I still don’t see why you don’t date anyone Mo. You haven’t even show an interest in anyone since we were teenagers. What ever happened to that Derek guy anyway?”

Oh he just had to bring up Derek didn’t he? “I told you. He wanted to push me further than I wanted to go and I told him to fuck off.” Derek was a guy I dated when we were fifteen. In fact, he was the last guy I dated. He was that bad boy that every girl wanted and I was the only one brave enough to actually ask him to be my boyfriend. Apparently he liked my straightforward attitude but didn’t like how I refused to let him get in my pants.

“Oh yeah. I forgot about all that. So why haven’t you dated since then?”

“Since when do you care about my love life Dr. Phil?” I snapped. I instantly regretted it as I saw the hurt cross his features just briefly. “Sorry Harry. You know I just don’t like talking about that stuff.”

He only nodded as he started pulling things out of the bags. I sighed softly as I walked over to him. My best friend paused what he was doing as I wrapped my arms around him. He knew this was a real apology. It wasn’t real or genuine unless it was followed by a hug. Instead of hugging me back, he simply ran his hand over my hair and down to my shoulder. There he patted a few times to let me know he accepted the apology and I could let go.

“You should go and get your jeans. I’m thinking I might go out tonight so you’ll be on your own for dinner.”

I was curious but didn’t feel like prodding. “I’ll be fine Harrison. I can cook you know.” I stuck my tongue out at him, making him grin. We both knew I couldn’t cook to save my life. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about explaining why I was going out again tonight to him. I just hoped he left before I did. “Have fun tonight and I wish you luck with whoever it is you’re seeing tonight.” He looked at me with wide eyes but I was out of the door before he could ask how I knew.

The drive from the house to the mall didn’t take long. Traffic was always lighter during the afternoon hours. I found a decent parking place and made my way inside. There was only one clothing store I actually liked in the mall. Most would peg me for the type of girl who spent all her time in one of the more Goth or punk stores but in all reality, I bought all my clothes from a little boutique that was run by a girl named Lily. She sold everything from girly clothing to things even the most hardcore Goth kids would love.

“Lily! You here?” I called out as I walked into the boutique. She hadn’t been standing up front at the register like she normally was. A loud whistle pierced the air and I quickly tried to find the source of the sound. Hidden behind a wall of shoes was where I found the strawberry blond. She was sitting on the floor pairing up shoes and placing them back into boxes before she shoved them into the empty spaces on the bottom row of the wall. “Let me guess, the teenagers were in here again?” Last time I had been in here, Lily had ranted about how a group of teenage girls kept coming into the store and tearing it up.

“Yes. I swear I’m going to murder them all once I figure out who they are.” She growled as she shoved another shoebox into its correct spot. “It’s like they had no respect! I swear if they were my kids I would have torn their asses up when they were little.” Lily looked up at me and sighed. “I’m sorry Mora. I don’t mean to put all of this on you.”

I shrugged slightly. “It’s okay Lils. I just came in to buy a few more pairs of jeans and maybe that leather jacket I was eyeing last time.”

She nodded and got up from the sea of boxes and shoes. “I can work on this later. Let’s get what you need and get you out of here.” The two of us made our way back to the jeans section of the store. I picked out a few pairs with her help and even bought the leather jacket I had been wanting to buy for the longest time now. “So I’ll see you this weekend at my birthday party right?”

“Definitely. I plan on bringing Harrison with me. Is that okay?”

“Yes! You know I’ve been dying to meet this guy. You do talk about him a lot. Are you sure you two don’t have a thing going on?”

I rolled my eyes. “I swear we aren’t together Lily. I’ll see you this weekend.” I waved as I left the store and headed back out to my car. Now I just needed to get home and make sure that Harrison left on his date before I left for mine.

Relief was what I felt when I saw the driveway was empty. It didn’t take me long to get inside and put my new clothes up where they belonged. I grabbed the black hoodie from my closet and slipped it on. The thin cotton was easier to wash than leather. Plus I didn’t want to ruin my new jacket before I had a chance to show it off this weekend. I grabbed the box hidden in the back of the closet. Inside was a rather nice collection of various knives and daggers. At one point I had a gun but it was far too loud for what I was about to do. The sound of a gunshot drew too much attention making it harder for me to escape after the soul had been reaped.

Once my boots were all laced up, I made sure I had all my weaponry in place before I left the condo once more. The sun was finally setting in the sky as I got into my car to make my way downtown. I still wasn’t sure how I knew where these people were. Usually I drove around until I felt an odd tug in a certain direction. It was like someone tied a string around my soul and was pulling me towards them. There had been times I tried to ignore the pull. The last time that happened, I ended up blacking out and waking up just after daybreak in a field just outside of town.

I had barely made it into downtown when the tugging feeling hit me hard. He was close. I parked the Malibu on the street, locked it up, and allowed myself to be led in the right direction. It had once been difficult to just space out and follow the pulling sensation. Now it was like breathing. The cool night air had been lost as I walked into a small corner bar. I flashed my ID to the bartender when I noticed him eyeing me suspiciously. One thing I hated about myself was how young I appeared to others. It was a hassle having to constantly pull out my ID in order to prove my age.

“What can I get for you tonight?” The bartender asked as I sat at the bar. Looking him over carefully, I couldn’t help but notice the scars hidden within the ink of the tattoos that covered his arms. Seemed like he had seen plenty of fights during his time.

“Rum and Coke.” I answered just before I looked over my shoulder at a few patrons sitting a few tables away. “Do you happen to know a Charlie Evans?” There were times I just found the victim on my own and pretended to know him or her. This time though something told me to find this one through different means.

“Yeah. Charlie is over by the pool tables. Why are you looking for him? Is he in some sort of trouble?”

Perfect. Picking up the drink he had sat in front of me, I took a drink before I answered him. “Is he usually in some kind of trouble?”

The bartender almost seemed reluctant to talk. He looked at me, then back at where Charlie was, and then back to me again as he wiped down the counter. “You didn’t hear this from me but he got into some stuff with some pretty shady people recently.” It was amazing what a bartender learned once people had a few too many drinks.

“Oh?” Bingo. That was exactly the kind of information I needed. I took two twenties from my pocket and slid them across the bar towards the bartender. “Keep the change and thanks for your help.” I left my seat and made my way over towards the pool tables. Charlie was an average looking guy with light blond hair and a five o’clock shadow on his face. He didn’t look like the type to get involved with the mafia or gangs or anything like that.

All three men at the pool table looked up as I walked over. I put on my best smile as I walked over to Charlie. “Charlie Evans right? My name is Lydia. I was sent to give you something.” The other two men looked at their friend with wide eyes. A smirk played out on Charlie’s face.

“And what could a pretty young thing like you have for me?” He had a Southern accent that made my skin crawl.

“A message. The boss says he wants his money.” Apparently I said the right thing because Charlie threw down his pool stick and took off running for the door. I grinned like a mad woman as I watched him run. There was a sick satisfaction I got from chasing them down before sending their souls to Him. His friends looked at me as if I had grown another head when I nodded at them before following after Charlie.

He wasn’t a hard man to follow. Like most, he made a basic mistake; he ran down an alleyway. I grew up in this city and had spent the last five years learning nearly every nook and cranny of it. Not to mention the pull of his marked soul would lead me straight to him. Darting down the same alleyway, I could feel him nearby. The chill of the night air and the thrill of the chase made my skin break out in goose bumps underneath my hoodie. I paused in the middle of the alleyway knowing he was watching me. Slowly, I bent over at the waist and retrieved a dagger that I had tucked into the side of my knee high boot.

I heard him as he scrambled up from where he had crouched down. “Please. Don’t kill me. I’ll pay him the money I owe. Seriously. Things have just been hard lately. Surely you understand that!” I turned to see him standing behind me. He was shaking hard and it wasn’t the cold making him shake. It was fear. Even from where I stood, I could smell it on him. My lip twitched as I twirled the blade between my fingers.

“Oh I’m not here to collect your money Charlie Evans.” There was that confused look I had grown accustom to seeing. “I’m here to collect your soul.” I didn’t give him time to react as I ran at him. He yelped as I grabbed him by the shoulder. The dagger found its mark as I plunged it deep into his chest. I had to fight off the shiver I felt as I pulled the blade out and stabbed him over and over again. The scent of blood filled my nose. At one point in time, it would have made me retch. Now it just meant I had done my job and there was only one part left. Pulling him in close, I placed my lips upon his and whispered a small prayer, watching as the light left his eyes and a glowing began where our lips met. His soul left his body and entered mine in a brilliant flash of light. Letting his body fall to the ground, I took a step back to regain my senses as I felt Him step from the shadows of the building next to me. Looking over, I smiled at the dark figure as it seemed to float towards me. “Hello Death. Kiss me?” And with that the figure leaned in, pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply.
Last edited by Anaris on Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by hallsofvallhalla »

interesting. I may use your services soon. More for my D&D campaign I am running for some friends.
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by Anaris »

I'd have to do a bit of research but I'd be more than happy to help with your D&D campaign. :)
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by Jackolantern »

Nice looking prices!

However, isn't $500 to write an entire novel kind of skimpy for you? Isn't the writing of a novel typically at least a year-long venture at least? (I do see you put a plus for "and up", but it seems like a very low minimum lol)
The indelible lord of tl;dr
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by a_bertrand »

Would be nice to have also some examples of your work before hiring you.
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by SpiritWebb »

a_bertrand wrote:Would be nice to have also some examples of your work before hiring you.
anaris wrote: You can see an example of my fictional blog writing at the following:

As far as my other writing goes, I don't have many examples that aren't from online forum role plays. However, feel free to test my abilities. Send me a PM and challenge me to write something.

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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by Anaris »

Jackolantern wrote:Nice looking prices!

However, isn't $500 to write an entire novel kind of skimpy for you? Isn't the writing of a novel typically at least a year-long venture at least? (I do see you put a plus for "and up", but it seems like a very low minimum lol)

You have a point Jack. I know $500 may seem a little skimpy but to me, it's a fair price in my mind. I'm still new to ghostwriting, which is basically what Im offering. I don't want to scare people off with absolutely ridiculous prices. Plus $500 is a decent price for a shorter novel. The plus is meant for those wanting longer, more detailed novels.
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by a_bertrand »

Didn't saw it, sorry XD
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by Jackolantern »

Anaris wrote:
Jackolantern wrote:Nice looking prices!

However, isn't $500 to write an entire novel kind of skimpy for you? Isn't the writing of a novel typically at least a year-long venture at least? (I do see you put a plus for "and up", but it seems like a very low minimum lol)

You have a point Jack. I know $500 may seem a little skimpy but to me, it's a fair price in my mind. I'm still new to ghostwriting, which is basically what Im offering. I don't want to scare people off with absolutely ridiculous prices. Plus $500 is a decent price for a shorter novel. The plus is meant for those wanting longer, more detailed novels.
Actually, now that I look back at the list, the cut-off for a "short novel" is 40 pages, so I guess for ~45 pages that would not be that crazy low and could be worth it for you. And I am sure the price would go up quite a bit if we were talking about a 300 page epic ;)
The indelible lord of tl;dr
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Re: Writer for Hire

Post by Anaris »

Exactly. $500 for a 300 page epic is actually a perfect price.

Most professional ghost writers get at least 10k for 10,000 pages. So it's basically a dollar a page.

I keep my prices lower because I know not everyone can afford that.
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