Good Engine?

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Good Engine?

Post by srachit »

So its been quite a while since I've done any HTML5 game development. I'm hoping to get back in and start making some games, I was wondering which are the good engine these days? Does impactjs still command the market or some new engine has come and pushed it over? I'm looking for a good HTML5 engine not only for single player games but which can also be easily integrated with nodejs and for multiplayer games.
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Re: Good Engine?

Post by Sim »

I been hearing a lot about "phaser"
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Re: Good Engine?

Post by Jackolantern »

I have been fairly disappointed with Impact. The creator got tied up with making Ejecta, and it seems to be his main focus these days, even though CocoonJS beats it in pretty much every way. ImpactJS has fallen behind the times.

Phaser is the most popular HTML5 game engine out there. It has an extremely impressive feature list. About the only problem I have with it that Impact still does better is that Impact has a better module system. Phaser doesn't, so the default is to just put everything into the same script. You can split up your code yourself and just attach the scripts in your host HTML file, but it isn't as elegant as Impact's module system.

However, outside of that, Phaser beats Impact in every way. It is built to handle mobile browsers well, it ships with 3 physics engines (a lightweight Arcade system, a mediumweight system called "Ninja" and a full-on, Angry Birds-like physic engine called P2), it supports groups, particle effects, device scaling and WebGL out-of-the-box and has tons of plugins available. And to top it all off, it is free and open source :)
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